Mmm Helicobacter pylori..
While the internet can a great source of info. I Also believe that the more this happens their are more and more people who are not willing to post original new info. about chinchilla's or new pics.,including myself, on the internet.
Many complain that there is no new info. that is published about chins. But I believe that as long as this blatant rip off of others material without permission continues people are not going to post any new original info. on the web.
See what I don't understand is why keep that knowledge to yourself? Yeah, it sucks when people steal your work.. but wouldn't you rather have the PROPER knowledge being distributed around than something that is blatantly wrong or even dangerous?
I don't know.. I don't think the fear of people stealing your information should stop you from posting good information. It could help a lot of people, animals, etc. At least the right information is being spread around and people are able to access it.