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Ok thanks guys/girls!! I am already doing the paper towels on the bottom of the cage to monitor output. His poop this morning is starting to clear up its not like runny water like before but formed just very soft. I am giving the flagyl and metacam and the diarrhea medicine along with fluids sub-q. Also lifeline with some extra probiotics. Yea i have never heard about the whole drywall thing and i honestly wasnt going to do it but was wondering if it was ever mentioned by anyone else.
Did you call Dahlhaussen at the Avian & Exotic Medical Center? I really hope he is not one of the bad vets you have had because I really like him and have had great luck with him so far. I have never had a problem with him, and if he is not sure of an answer he calls a colleage for input. I Pm'd you his number the other day, but in case it is 513-576-1990. 9951 Springfield Pike 45215.
Ok so i am going to ANOTHER vet on thursday because we arent making any improvement. Still no drinking, or eating and the only thing im giving is flagyl, sub-q fluids and metacam with probiotics. About an hour after i feed the critical care he gets this like big knot in his stomach, when i massage for a while it goes away and poop comes out. What does this mean??? He does poop though, but when i do this more comes out. I think it may be gas, i am giving simethicone 20mg drops every 4 hours just about. Any advice for the vet on thursday??
If he is at least getting enough food and water from you and still pooing and peeing, then he is not too bad. Have you tried giving the gas drops with or right after feeding? Their tummies seem to feel quite different depending on how much food, water, and pee is in there. I don't know if what you are feeling is bad or not. Someone else may be able to better advise you on this. I am sorry he is having such trouble and that you have to vet hop, too. I wouldn't want to each if my tongue was cut, either. Good luck!
I dont honestly think the tongue is the main thing right now though. I honestly think it's either bloat or gi stasis. I am giving the gas drops with each feeding. When i massage his belly for about 10-15 min it really helps. I am trying this every 2 hours. I just started the reglan back up again. I dont know how long this should take before he will get better. I just havent got a clear answer from ANY vet to as of what we are really treating. It's like they are playing trial and error. I just dont know what to do. I am almost drained of my vet fund and still no improvement.
He is peeing and pooping though!! What i am feeling i have never felt before. It is not doughy but hard until i massage it away. If that makes any sense.
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It could be the gas dissipating as you massage the belly. I've noticed that it's sort of working the simethicone down the intestinal tract when I massage a chin's abdomen when he's a bit gassy. It sounds like he's got slowed gut motility.

I hate to ask...no, I don't, it just sounds weird to the "normals." What do his droppings look like now? Are they small and dry?
B4 the whole i guess tongue cut accident, his poops were very tiny and hard. Now they are a decent size and not hard. Like my other chins poops, normal i would say!! But he doesnt poop as much until i start literally massaging them out of him.
Did the previous vet find the xrays yet? Have they been reviewed by a chinchilla competent vet? :unsure:
I would be looking for a full set of Xrays (full body and dental) to exclude tooth problems and/or bloat - you need to have a proper diagnosis really :(