Thanks so much!
Thank you so much everyone. The good to come out of this is that we all now know that if our chinnies present with bloat AND ear infection that this pseudomona bacteria could be the culprit. I'm sad that it had to be my Nibbles to teach us this, but hopefully it will save more in the future. The culture for $135 was worth every penny to know which way to go in treatment. If your chinnie needs a culture and your doc can get to the pus, do it! It can mean life or death.
I miss my Nibbles. Dale is having a fit and has been shaking the cage and popping around hollering his warnings. He knows. Poor love. I'll get her little tin back later this week. She can hang out in the alcove with my passed basset's and kitties.
A woman called me yesterday looking for the House Rabbit Society contact I have because her friend has 7 - 8 chins, couple rats and house rabbits and is losing their house...They have an albino girl and a gray girl, the rest are boys and they are all in the same cage (!) I may have to go check it out and see what I can do...