Update on Annie's Health & Question

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Annie's dry skin condition seems to be improving since the vet gave me the oil to put on her food. Her ears and snout are no longer all flaky, and her skin looks a lot less flaky, too. She has been acting more and more like her usual self- all hyper and happy! :))

The one thing I am still concerned with, though, is her loss of quills. She has been losing a lot of them! Her skin keeps looking better and better, but the quills just keep going. When I take her out to play, she'll lose about 6 or so and in her cage there's been a lot all over in her house, some on her wheel, etc. Should I be really concerned about this, or just give it time along with her dry skin?

The vet said that checking for mites was like fishing, and that you don't always catch one. Should I have her checked out again?

I've heard the same - that you can get a negative test for mites when they really are there.

You can treat for mites with Revolution even if the test comes back negative. Once treated one of two things will become apparent: she'll stop losing quills because mites were the cause OR she'll keep losing quills because it wasn't mites, but you'll have successfully ruled them out as a cause.

Your vet could also do a test to see if the cause of the quill loss is due to a fungal infection.
Since she has just turned a year, she could just be quilling. If she already went through her final quilling, it could be that her quills are reacting to her previous condition. Sometimes they can fall out weeks to months after a hedgie has been stressed or was ill. Another mite check might be a good idea however if she is not itching, it may be bacterial.
Thanks for the replies.
I guess I'll just wait and hope that it gets better and if it doesn't I'll take her back to the vet for another check up.
I dont really have any advice that the others havent already given, but I just wanted to say best of luck! I hope she gets better soon!