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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys. Just an update and some better pictures of my little guy.

He quit eating and pooping a couple of days ago and I was able to get enough CC in him to make him poop. My vet had given me the CC fine grind and he would just spit it out like a little 4 year old. I ran to a Banfield closest to me and a really nice tech just gave me a bag of Apple and banana (which he willingly scarves down). It was so sweet of her.
This morning I went to go grab him for his morning feeding and I caught him eating his pellets and hay finally. Thank god.

He's weighing in around 300 grams at the moment. I'm hoping he will gain weight soon on his own with a good diet. The pet store was feeding him guinea pig food apparently.

His teeth are still very white on the bottoms. I'm hoping this will clear up soon on its own. He has been getting more alfalfa hay with some timothy and it's all gone in the morning so obviously he is eating it.

He's a very curious guy but is still very shy. I've been giving him time to get used to things before really trying to interact with him, but he does come sniff me if I sit with the door open to his cage.

So, here are some better pictures. A little more clear than the ones from my phone. They show his chewed parts better, his teeth, and of course, his cute little face.

Enjoy, and please, any advice you have for me to get him back to good health is much appreciated!





I love his little face!! The picture of him getting scratches is too cute.
Ohhh, he is just the cutest wee thing! He does have the most adorable sweet face and he loves scritches too, how neat is that. Sounds like you're already doing a great job with him and I'm sure you'll have him settled in, comfy and fattened up in no time. I have a nice oat/herb supplement that I give my guys a pinch of each night when they go back into their cages and they really enjoy that. That's really the only thing I can think of that you could add to his diet as well as maybe some Lifeline to give him a boost. Mostly just keep doing what you're doing and give him some kisses and scritches from me too. =)
I have a nice oat/herb supplement that I give my guys a pinch of each night when they go back into their cages and they really enjoy that.

I do this as well! My chins love my mix (all but one does! brat) it has simple herbs and oats and crushed rosehips & hibiscus flowers. just a pinch, literally like 1/2 teaspoon, the little tiny ones that come with measuring sets..........not the kind you eat with.

i would say that a calm, happy, nurturing and consistant environment would probably be the best thing for him so sounds like he is on his way.

He is really cute and i am sure you will have him in tip top shape in no time!
He is a cutie. I'm sure once you fatten him up a little and he's feeling a bit better he will be a whole new chinny. He's lucky you found him. Kudos to you!
Is he pooping yet? I hope so. :) POOP DYLAN!

I wouldn't worry about his teeth right now. Get him eating and make sure he's chewing on hay and toys and he'll be fine. His teeth look like he hasn't had much to gnaw on or something. Maybe it's just the angle?

Sheri is right...you have pretty tile in your bathroom! (Someday we will upgrade out of 1991 here and get rid of the "mauve" tile...)
He is pooping. But, they are very small, but there are tons of them, which, I guess is better than nothing.

He didn't have anything to chew on in the store except for his plastic igloo. The vet said they were in a decent length given his situation and to just give him plenty to chew on and if needed, we will file them down.

He loves his CC. I'm giving him one feeding a day now since he is eating his pellets, but I still want to make sure he's getting food in his tummy.
Qualitymutationchinchillas.com has a chin weight gain supplement that you give every few days along with their food and it really works. I gave it to Herby after her most recent bout with tooth issue weight loss and she has gained back what she lost and more. You only give a 1/4 tsp every few days but I highly recommend it. It also stimulates her appetite so she eats more hay and pellets.

I hope Dylan keeps getting better for you! You did a great thing rescuing him! :)
Aw, look at that little scruffy boy... he is too cute. :D I would take the oodles of poop as a good sign!
Oh, he's chewing more than everything. He is a happy little guy. He no longer runs and hides when I go in to check on him. He just waits at the door because he knows if he waits, he gets a treat.

His food dish was empty this morning with no signs of being tipped over, which means he ate. All of his hay was missing this morning also, and he destroyed 2 apple sticks, which is good.

He loves the crinkle of bags and popcorns and does a partial "dust roll" when he hears them. It's just the cutest thing.

I can't wait for quarantine to be over. I'm going to see if I can get him budded up with one of my other boys, but it doesn't seem promising. Ande is still being a butt to everyone, and Bryson is enjoying being a loner chin. I guess Mr. Charlie will have to be the welcoming committee. I'm sure they both would enjoy a buddy, but, we'll see.

I'm just glad he is making some sort of progress.

Oh, and last night we went into the Petco where we got him from and they had already replaced him when they told me they weren't reordering. Uhg. The guy we had talked to walked by and was like "Hey, we sold that chinchilla, I'm sorry about that" Ohhh I just wanted to lay it on him, but, I was just like "Oh, that sucks" :rolleyes:
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Just make sure that this chin isn't too mean to Charlie. Charlie is a soft and squishy chin...he wouldn't be able to stand up to a grizzled Petco chinnie... hehehe I'm just kidding.

I'm so glad to hear that Dylan is eating. That's wonderful.. :D YAY!! Give him some dustbaths when he rolls around after hearing the crinkly bags...he'll get a kick out of that. :)
Looks like he is going to gain some weight and be a wonderful new chin for you. Try a few steel cut oats in the palm of your hand.
Charlie is a soft and squishy chin...he wouldn't be able to stand up to a grizzled Petco chinnie...

Are you sure about that? Charlie has become such a little butt. He's a bully to Bryson now and they can't have playtime anymore. So much for soft and squishy.... :rolleyes:

Dylan is still not completely comfortable with handling just yet. I took him out Saturday and he scratched the crap out of my chest. Ouch.

He's not gaining any weight yet, still the same from day 1 but I'm sure he should start soon.

I still haven't decided who I'm going to pair him with. I can't choose between Bryson or Charlie. I want Bryson to be with Dylan since they "understand" each other (chewing buddies) but Bryson changes when he has a friend.

We'll see.
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I know...Charlie was a little honey bear. What happened? Maybe being around other boys changed him a bit. Here he played with other boys and did just fine. It was never him that instigated anything at all. I don't know why he's a bully to Bryson...Bryson is a sweetie pie...I don't get it at all. :( Maybe Dylan and Bryson would be a better choice. And, it would contain the chewing a bit.

Dylan really did scratch you bad...that was awful.
Good luck, and thanks on his behalf for getting him fixed up! Does he have pumice? If not, I'd definitely buy some from Barbi or another supplier on here (I just got some from her that Crash LOVES so that's why she came to mind first) and turn him loose on it. Wood will wear their teeth, but pumice is harder, so it wears it faster. A cuttle bone might not be a bad idea either considering his eating problems. A little extra calcium for a while might yellow those bottom teeth for you.