Understanding no?

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<--My little soldier!
Mar 15, 2012
Anybody elses chin stops what they're doing whenever you say no to them?
My chin was just trying to get under my draws, but she knows she's not allowed and I said no, and she stopped and moved away!
Anyone else's do that? Wonder why she does it! That's crazy! lol :bump1:
My Mikey I think understands the concept of no or a sharp tsk noise fairly well. If he does/is doing something I dont want him to and I say no, he stops.
My Benny understands no when my boyfriend says it. but he will just look at me and almost go "oh you push over" and continues what he is doing.
my boys understand 'no no'. i was very consistent from day one to always say it exactly like that, 'no no'. i like to think that this allows them to differentiate between me saying the word 'no' during conversation with friends that visit with me and my chins, or the last part of Rhino's name, which sounds out like 'no'. i didn't want him to think that his name was a discipline thing, due to the way the last half sounds.

both my boys also know their names, and most of the time will come to me if i call them while they are out for playtime. they don't hang around me for long though, lol, and are off boinging and wall surfing as soon as they 'touch base' with me.

Rhino used to know that the command 'cage' meant he should go back in to his cage. he's not so great about that nowadays, but that's due to me not being consistent about it over the past few months, and instead i've been picking him up at the end of playtime so that he gets more comfortable with being held (he's a squirmer! lol).
That video that you linked is really cool, Ticklechin! It's amazing how clever they are.
Bubbles doesn't really respond to her name. She comes to me when I make a scraping sound from something. She responds to "no" and "naughty" When I say "Good girl" she goes back to doing something she's not allowed :p
Its amazing how they remember places they're not allowed to go too! How sneaky they are when they're there!
I do think they have an understanding.....I clap my hands and say No when chilla is doing things she should not do...even with a chin proofed room they will nibble on a wall....or furniture....I think between the sound and the No she has gotten the hint because she stops what she is doing LOL and consistency as others has mentioned is key I think
My chin stops what she's doing when I say "ah ah!" which is like saying "no", expect makes me sound like a crazy person LOL

She also comes whenever I call her name or make little clicking noises. It's not consistaint though, sometimes she'll totally ignore me!

She'll also jump onto my hand whenever I put it in front of her, or jump onto my shoulder.

Ticklechin, what a cute video and chin you have!
My chin actually does respond to no, but she doesn't see it as a bad word. I guess she likes the way I say it because she looks at me like I'm crazy!

Sometimes, she'll move her mouth whenever I say something. It's like she's trying to minic me talking to her, it's super cute!
Last night I saw something I never seen with any of my chins, mimicking. Hannie was sitting up on chin tower and I was telling him he needs a dust bath and I was waggling my finger back and forth at him, he then waggled his tail, I waggled my finger, he waggled his tail, this went on for a couple of min until John and I were in hysterics laughing and could not go on!
Both of our chins understands the concept of no, and each responds differently.
Amy is our problem child. When Amy is told no, she stops what she's doing, looks directly at whoever tells her no and growls. She goes back to what she was doing. A second no, again the evil look with growl and then she stands tall & threatens to pee. Amy resumes what she was doing. If told no a third time Amy gives no warning but whips around & pees (little devil is very accurate with her aim) or she will charge to fight. At this point she is so mad she will bite. She does not like being told no.

Mariah is a easy going/laid back chin. Tell Mariah no and she stops whatever she's doing. And as long as you're looking at her she won't do it again. Look away from her and she'll go back to doing what she wants to.

Brats, both of them.
Last night I saw something I never seen with any of my chins, mimicking. Hannie was sitting up on chin tower and I was telling him he needs a dust bath and I was waggling my finger back and forth at him, he then waggled his tail, I waggled my finger, he waggled his tail, this went on for a couple of min until John and I were in hysterics laughing and could not go on!

That's hysterical! Maybe he was in heat and figured you were doing the human version of a mating dance? :))
Haha Amy sounds like she's got an attitude on her Saffron!

Bubbles acts similar to Mariah. She's very laid back, but if she doesn't get her own way then she gets mad. She doesn't threaten to pee though! haha Spoilt little girl. I guess that is my own doing though. Would have been cool to have two chinchillas other than just the one. I guess it would have changed her personality all together though!
i think they know the tone when i'm angry
i often leave the top doors of my FN open while i'm infront of them watching tv (so they can watch to)

when they're obviously sticking their head out to far kinda scream? "hey! get back inside"
they look at me and go back inside @_@... it's cute