Interesting. Cuz there's even set pics with her in them, and they already started filming, etc! I know they said she wouldn't dye her hair again and is using wigs this time (but that's cuz her hair fell out last time rofl)
Well they did that cuz of the Cullen's look. She'll still be blonde in the movie, just blonde wig, not bleached. *tracks her DVD again* Departure scan at 8:08 PM from New Stanton PA. Hopefully it gets on tomorrow's truck for delivery!
I have not read the books because I generally don't like the same stuff as most people do regarding reading. Usually if it is a popular "spurt" author (as I call them), it's not my cup of tea. But I enjoyed the movie with no restrictions over what the book was like.
It did make me want to read the books though, which I'll be checking into the library tomorrow and see if they have any in.
Books and movies like Twilight aren't usually my cup of tea either, and for the longest time I refused to read the books, I finally gave in and am glad I did. Same with my friend, when I told her that she should read it after me, she rolled her eyes, but now she is hooked too.
Ok, so this is a really old thread, but I watched Twilight last night. Never read the books, wasn't even sure about renting it, but I'm glad I did. I liked the movie a lot. Though I'll admit, I watched it mainly for Robert Pattinson. Oh, how I wished I was Bella in that movie.
This is way old, but I just was lookin at it at freaked out. Ash, how long did it take for you to get your DVD?? I pre-ordered New Moon from Target and when I called CS to ask about shipping, she said I should get it release day (March 20)... now Im freaking out thinking I might not get it that day bc my confirmation email said several days later!