Hi everyone!
First and foremost, I'm so glad to see so many other people interested in these awesome little creatures! Prior to purchasing my hedgehog, I hadn't stumbled across any forums regarding them, but it's a huge relief to know there's a support system out there for new and experienced owners alike.
This past weekend I attended my local Reptile & Exotic Pet Expo, and though I'm a huge fan of reptiles (my boyfriend and I currently have a collection of 4 bearded dragons and 7 crested geckos), when I came across the other exotics, I really couldn't be torn away! The breeder I dealt with had quite a selection of rodent-type exotics, from chinchillas and hedgehogs to sugargliders and pygmy mice, but I was sold on a hedgehog from the moment I saw them. I had some experience with them, as a neighbour and good friend had a couple when we were growing up. I had also randomly been researching them online about a week before the Expo, so I had a good grasp on what they would require, and was able to get some of my questions cleared up before bringing one home!
Needless to say, I did in fact bring one home, and I have been completely satisfied with my choice and purchase ever since!
With no further ado, I would like to introduce....
TURTLE the hedgehog
(picture to be added as soon as possible)
He was the only one of the bunch that didn't ball up and start puffing when we reached into their cage, and he was so lively and curious even after being disturbed from his slumber!
Since bringing him home, he's been a little more timid (for example, he definitely puffed up when I tried to pick him up the first night), but obviously that's to be expected... A stressful expo/moving day and a whole new home with new smells must be a little overwhelming. Regardless, he seemed more comfortable after just an hour or so of being awake in his new home! He took a run on his wheel, sniffed out the entire perimeter of his new space, and even stopped by his food dish for a little something. I've draped a worn t-shirt over the side of his cage so that he can start to get used to my smell, and I've already caught him sleeping in it a couple times
He's absolutely adorable, and I could not be happier!
Anyway, before I go on for hours about how awesome he is, I better wrap things up! I look forward to getting to know some of you, and thank you in advance for all of the helpful information I'm sure to be supplied with on this site
I'll be looking around over the next couple of days, and can't wait to see all of your little "chins n hedgies"!
First and foremost, I'm so glad to see so many other people interested in these awesome little creatures! Prior to purchasing my hedgehog, I hadn't stumbled across any forums regarding them, but it's a huge relief to know there's a support system out there for new and experienced owners alike.
This past weekend I attended my local Reptile & Exotic Pet Expo, and though I'm a huge fan of reptiles (my boyfriend and I currently have a collection of 4 bearded dragons and 7 crested geckos), when I came across the other exotics, I really couldn't be torn away! The breeder I dealt with had quite a selection of rodent-type exotics, from chinchillas and hedgehogs to sugargliders and pygmy mice, but I was sold on a hedgehog from the moment I saw them. I had some experience with them, as a neighbour and good friend had a couple when we were growing up. I had also randomly been researching them online about a week before the Expo, so I had a good grasp on what they would require, and was able to get some of my questions cleared up before bringing one home!
Needless to say, I did in fact bring one home, and I have been completely satisfied with my choice and purchase ever since!
With no further ado, I would like to introduce....
TURTLE the hedgehog
(picture to be added as soon as possible)
He was the only one of the bunch that didn't ball up and start puffing when we reached into their cage, and he was so lively and curious even after being disturbed from his slumber!
Since bringing him home, he's been a little more timid (for example, he definitely puffed up when I tried to pick him up the first night), but obviously that's to be expected... A stressful expo/moving day and a whole new home with new smells must be a little overwhelming. Regardless, he seemed more comfortable after just an hour or so of being awake in his new home! He took a run on his wheel, sniffed out the entire perimeter of his new space, and even stopped by his food dish for a little something. I've draped a worn t-shirt over the side of his cage so that he can start to get used to my smell, and I've already caught him sleeping in it a couple times
Anyway, before I go on for hours about how awesome he is, I better wrap things up! I look forward to getting to know some of you, and thank you in advance for all of the helpful information I'm sure to be supplied with on this site