Trixie doing some exploring

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
I was going through some pictures of Trixie, and thought I would post a few of her explorations.

My turn to pick out a DVD to watch

I'm flying

Hey mom, can I pick out your outfir for today?

Scooter, our guinea pig, at his last Christmas with us before crossing to the Bridge
Wow! Trixie gets around, doesn't she? Love that one of her on top of the clothes.

Aww, and Scooter with Santa. What a lovely memory. :)
Love the one of Scooter, too. They all fussed over him as he was the only guinea pig to have a picture done.
Oh that pic of Scooter almost made me cry it is just so cute!! He just looks so happy with Santa, thanks for sharing!
OMG Scooter! What a doll baby! What a lucky Santa!
I love the pics of Trixie too!
Thanks for the comments. One back story on the Scooter pic...Just as I was giving Scooter to one of Santa;s Helpers a store employee said, not take the picture yet, and hurried off. She came back with the green cloth he is sitting on. Made for a much better picture. I am adding a couple more here. The one of Scooter, he is with a small snuggie that we got from the vet. It was actually a squeeky toy for a dog. In fact, when I first got Trixie I put it in the cage with her and she snuggled it to death.

Scooter and his snowman

Hanging tail