Traveling Jimmy!

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Feb 4, 2009
So, since the demand for Jimmy is so high...we now have a fleece Jimmy that can really be shipped and travel the world. I'm figuring out a system but I think I'm going to start a list of people that are interested. Do you guys think a 1 week visit is sufficient before he heads off to the next destination?


"We look nothing alike!!!"

"I'm going to eat it! I'm MUCH cuter!"
HA HA! Love the 2nd pic. He doesn't seem to be too amused.

I think Jimmy needs to do a North American tour.
No, ladies! ROFLMAO The real Jimmy is not a traveler...he hates being in the car! Besides, his little fat self is fragile so he has to be with a mommy at all times (Me or Lynn).

So...what do you guys think of the stuffed one? I KNOW everyone wants the real Jimmy, already. :neener:
Hey I just thought of something...I don't know how this wireless internet works but I am thinking Jimmy pics are zooming back and forth to a satellite and back to earth. Maybe we can all pick a Jimmy star in the sky
Oh, my God, Tabitha -- Travellin' Jimmy is TOO cute!!! I love that he is true to form and has only front paws!!! :hearts:

Even though I get the REAL Jimmy, I think that his likeness is absolutely adorable!!! I would be on the list to receive him in a heartbeat, but I think that would be rude of me to expect to have a visit with him, too!!!
What does Jimmy think of his traveling self? It's cute, but not the same as having the real Jimmy knocking at my door, lol.
Jenn, he didn't seem to care one way or another. I was trying to take pictures and he was running all over on top of the imposter and looking at me like I'm nuts, lol.

Lynn, we'd definitely have to get you on the list, but for later on. That way we can get full grown Jimmy pictures with the "imposter" :neener:
I'd just make Travelling Jimmy a bit rounder in shape, that's all! as it is he looks a tad mouse-ish, that's probably why Real Jimmy thinks he's the cuter one!
I've done this on another forum before. Just a flat rate box was used and some chinchilla toys/trinkets were placed inside. When you got the box, you picked what you wanted out of it and replaced it with something of your own. I.e. chinchilla chew toys, necklace, etc. Took a picture of yourself with the Jimmy, what you picked, and sent it off. You didn't tell who you were sending it to so it would be a surprise when they got it. :D It was fun.