Do a quick search for "bonding" and you'll find loads of information on healthy treats and things people do for bonding. How long a day do you just spend beside the cage? Have you tried singing or reading to them? I left for a few weeks so had to go back to just putting my hand in their cage for them to hop around on. The boys didn't really forget me per se, but it was to remind them that I was safe, and they've been really good. Treats aren't the best decider on "bonding" because then you're really just a food machine to them. They can work, but don't you want your chin to like you because of mutual trust rather than just a snack? Think dogs: they bond to a person not because they feed them all the time but because they spend time together.
I'd still cut the nuts and raisins. Think of it this way, would you really feed a toddler only lollipops and ramen noodles because they seemed to be fine? You can only tell the exterior "good" not how well her liver and insulin levels are. There are so many treats out there (like rosehips) that are actually good for your baby because they're full of vitamin c and other good stuff. The better her body is equipped, the longer she'll be with you. There's a reason pet stores think chins only live to about 8yrs and breeders who only feed pellets/hay get to have them for 20.