TOV ebony inheritence question... need a clear answer if i can have one please!!

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Very nice post Claire, and very accurate. Of course no one here is trying to help new folks. Thankfully, Linda came along to fill that void, since pretty much all WE do is chase people away (how many member do we have again?) and ignore any calls for help. <rolls eyes>
Ok i think i just confused people in this.. my question is this: I have a male that I bought from a great ranch with a greta reputation. He was sold to me as a "TOV dark ebony" his pedigree indicated he had a black velvet mother, and a "**** extra dark ebony dad" he came from out of state. I would hear his cries. I caught him having a sezuire problemat the end and he died a few months ago having his last seziure in my hands. He was very apt at hiding this.

He was mated after a year, but I had NO CLUE about this and he showed no signs. He was first mated with a female and had a male that looked just like him. The male died within 10 days. He grew then just acted like he had no balance.

He was mated to a HETERO BEIGE female, a female with a **** BEIGE ( TWO RECESSIVE BEIGE PARENTS MAKING A **** BEIGE) father, and a STANDArd mother, who is GREY. These two made a HETERO BEIGE female, again whom this male was bred too. SHE gave birth to ONE TAN MALE,l very small, seemingly aspirating at birthamong other things, along WITH a FEMALE, who is STANDARD. She is perfect pet. Small, taME, GREat.

He had access in a run to one more female. A STANDARD. She is a very nice female and gave birth to one kit. a HUGE female, who I THINK MIGHT BE TOV LIGHT OR MEDIUM EBONY. I dont know who threw in the tem **** ebony and I do know what I am talkng about here I have studied this stuff, it seems people just get confused and I need to make things shorter maybe?

I plan on NOT breeding the females from his line because I am afraid of padssing downthis obvious genetic disease, but what I was initially asking and STILL wonder is if it is possible that something can only be passed down to one sex and NOT the other? This wasnt about genetics, **** or hetero, I am asking if a GENETIC DISORDER CAN BE PASSED DOWN FROM GENDER TO GENDER AND PASS THE GENDER IT DID NOT EFFECT?

I thank you all for your kind corrections and concerns you have posted in rrply but they are very off topic. I haVE been sucessfully breeding at my home for a long time, and people on the internet who start out their answers with questions do not even get read. I was warbned of this issue on here, and I come back and see it is true. My... how many pages after I only post once? We need some men in here..

Seriously, I do great, dont worry about my ability to help animals, my genetic knowledge, or anythhing else. I give all informaton needed when I ask a question so many perople are refffered to this forum I see on yahoo and other places and they leave saying people just run them out and I can see wat they are talking about. I just am asking a simple question. I will not be offering so much info i guess sorry..
Feeding Calf Manna to a herd can cause something like this, or too much of a supplement, or just having bad luck. It's only three kits.

In my limited experience with genetically passed seizures it passed to both male and female offspring. None of my seizure chins ever cried. It was silent stiffness. I've seen 6 do it.

Could be a neurological issue too. You really never know, and often with ranches, they don't know either because they don't live with the chins and see them daily. It's likely an honest unknowing, I hope you contacted them.
Why are you bringing up these old DEAD threads and wasting forum space? No one cares when the thread is 4 months old. Your DIY of the leg amputation when you are not a vet is enough info for us to know what kind of breeder you are, just so everyone who is reading this dead thread again can refresh their memories.
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Ok my above post the baby kicked the key board :) and when I was done editing to much time had passed... so can someone delete the above?

Basic genetics lesson

Female XX Male XY
with the genetic disorders being carrier on the X Males pass an X to females and a Y to males so it is more likely if the males have a genetic isue it is the female Here if a map of sorts will help Male has XY Female Has X(1)X(2) say for our purposes X(1) is the genetic issue

The Kits are
X(1)Ythis kits would be male and have the disorder
X(1)Xthis kit would be female and Carry the disorder
X(2)YThis kit would be male and not have any issues
X(2)Xthis kit female with no issues
The first two kits if bred would possible pass it on. This is the same when working with positive traits as well and it is the same basic principle when working with recessives. Keep in mind this is very over simplified and genetics are a sticky subject.

You said the male had issues, Males are always more likely to have a recessive trait or disorder then females. Even in humans you find 3/4 of the children with special needs are male. It has to do with the extra X females get. Females are more likely to be carriers. So the females from the male are very likely carriers if it is a genetic issue so thier kits will have the possibility of issues. If Dad passes his X on to females and he had it, they carry it without a doubt If it is a genetic problem.

That is why when breeding it is so very important the male be as perfect as he can be there is no room for genetic errors in males (females should be as good as can be too) but 1 male with a problem will pass it on much faster and can destroy a whole herd.
Your question is a genetics question, just not a coat color question. I think I understand what Kristy was trying to say but that paragraph seems confusing to me. Usually any genetic disorders that are linked to a sex determining chromosome are located on the X chromosome and not the Y. Though hermaphroditism can occur from genetic anomolies on either chromosome.

If your male has a genetic disorder and you're concerned he is passing it on to his MALE offspring only, the chances are slim to none. IF he is passing something down to his male offspring only, then his female offspring would be completely unaffected and would not be carriers. This is because as the male, he donates his Y chromosome to his male kits and his X chromosome to his female kits. These chromosomes are NOT one and the same. If he has a recessive autosomal trait on his X chromosome then it would not affect his male kits at all (he passes down his Y to boys, not his X) and all of his daughters would be carriers and you would see it in their offspring.

I have to agree with Tara sounds like a supplemental issue or neurological issues. Everything has a genetic component, but I do not believe he passed on any disorder to his sons and made his daughters carriers. Genetics with autosomal genes do not work that way.
Thank you made the point I was trying to. Often things sound right in my head and I understand them I just have issues putting them into words for others at times. Thank you.
I have to agree. This doesn't sound like a genetic issue. It sounds like something was very wrong with the male. Maybe an injury? (sorry to ask a question being that I am a person on the internet and I run the risk of things not being read...)

How is this obviously genetic? Did I miss something? That kit was 10 days old, right? There are all sorts of things that can happen to very young kits so I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that the father passed something to the male. Besides, if it were a genetic condition, a younger chin would probably live nearly into or actually into adulthood like the father and display the same problems. Breeders can't necessarily say that something was genetic if kits die at a young age.
The screaming capital letters of the OP in the newest post really make it hard to read since they make no sense how they are used. And why do we need men to participate in this dead thread?:wacko: