Totally Clueless!!??

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thank you dustbunnies for seeing what i meant and not jumping down my throat.

Just to nip this in the bud and clarify, nobody on this thread jumped down your throat. People expressed concern over backyard breeding of chins, which we see over and over again, and it often ends up badly. You were given advice by experienced breeders, which Dustbunnies is not.

I would not feed my chins carefresh complete. It has fruit in it. You need a plain pellet like Nutrena Nature Wise 16%, PANR, Tradition, Oxbow, APD, Mazuri. Pretty much any feed from a Petstore is crap unless it's one of the ones listed above.

A one level cage is best, as mentioned above, so the kits don't get jumped on, but also so mom can't get away from them. Some mom's don't want to have kits, so they go to the highest level of the cage to get away from them. The kit needs to be able to nurse and they can't do that if mom is 3 feet away.
I would suggest that you switch to a good quality feed. There are a few good choices out there. Find one close, or order online. You want one that is just pellets, with nothing else added.

I feed tradition. My moms do great with their kits!
Online feeds are often cheaper even with shipping, you can also get dust at the same time, it's fresher, better quality and comes right to your door.

The cage needs to have small wire spacing or babies can get out, get lost, or killed by other pets, stepped on, etc.

Chins CAN and HAVE bred through bars, do not put mom and dad right next to each other.

I am pretty sure that your comment was mostly pointed at me, I am known for laying all out, if you want to see jumping down your throat I can arrange that. I breed quality, health and temperament. I have sold an entire "herd" of 13 animals when I was starting to do so because they were sub-standard, they were pets to me, I manned up and did what was right for the breed, losing quite over 1/2 of the money I had already invested in over priced low quality animals. I have won breeder awards, and many 1st place or higher placings. I also take in rescues that no one else wants, a pedigreed healthy chin is a rarity in rescues usually. Usually you see "pet chins" that were bred to be "just pets". If I didn't care about chins, I wouldn't do rescue, believe me, it's much easier to find a home for a good quality chin that I can tell about their background, even for twice the money.

If you don't like the truth and straight facts then don't ask. It was clearly stated that no one is sure that the female is breed, so separating sooner than later would prevent that from happening if it is not already fact.

Now... I'm jumping down your throat for not even knowing or caring who the advice is that you received except for the fact that you didn't like it.
Tunes, I did not even attempt give him advice as whether to breed them or not. I was just saying that he was asking a different question than what was interpreted.

Sorry if it seemed like I was circumventing anything. Kosher, the advice your getting from these experienced breeders is to be followed. I was only trying to help clear up your question.
I don't mean any disrespect to tunes or Riven. I admire your knowledge and passion about chins. This is the internet and things can be misread and interpreted differently than you originally meant it. I may not be an all-knowing chin master, but I joined this site so one day I could be a GOOD experienced chinchilla owner by learning from the mistakes of others and lisening to those more experienced to avoid mishaps.

However, I noticed sometimes you guys come off a bit "mean". Which makes it a little scary to ask you guys, sometimes. Lets say you go to the doctor or vet and asked a question as stupid or senseless it may be and the vet or docter talked down to you..ect. You wouldn't want to go back. In my opinion this site is to help chins, and you guys can do the most help and that should be your goal. Some people are sensitive but you should want them to ask those dumb questions so you can prevent chins from getting hurt.

I honestly didn't think your original responses were mean, but when kosher asked what's wrong with a chin "mutt". Tunes' response was kinda "cruel sounding". Kosher just didnt understand what you meant and you can't compare chins to cars or dogs. They are neither and from what I understand the breeding is a bit more complicated. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think you guys meant by "quality"(it sounded like you were treating chins as objects) is the overall appearance and health of the chinchilla. Breeding should be done to rid or minimize health issues and make happy healthy chins =]. See those technical terms just don't sound nice to us newbies.xP I am sure its frustrating dealing with us. Please just try to make sure we don't make tragic mistakes so we can protect all the chins and avoid heartache.

Yeah I could be wrong about everything but thats just my opinion for future postings =]

I don't mean any disrespect to tunes or Riven. I admire your knowledge and passion about chins. This is the internet and things can be misread and interpreted differently than you originally meant it. I may not be an all-knowing chin master, but I joined this site so one day I could be a GOOD experienced chinchilla owner by learning from the mistakes of others and lisening to those more experienced to avoid mishaps.

However, I noticed sometimes you guys come off a bit "mean". Which makes it a little scary to ask you guys, sometimes. Lets say you go to the doctor or vet and asked a question as stupid or senseless it may be and the vet or docter talked down to you..ect. You wouldn't want to go back. In my opinion this site is to help chins, and you guys can do the most help and that should be your goal. Some people are sensitive but you should want them to ask those dumb questions so you can prevent chins from getting hurt.

I honestly didn't think your original responses were mean, but when kosher asked what's wrong with a chin "mutt". Tunes' response was kinda "cruel sounding". Kosher just didnt understand what you meant and you can't compare chins to cars or dogs. They are neither and from what I understand the breeding is a bit more complicated. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think you guys meant by "quality"(it sounded like you were treating chins as objects) is the overall appearance and health of the chinchilla. Breeding should be done to rid or minimize health issues and make happy healthy chins =]. See those technical terms just don't sound nice to us newbies.xP I am sure its frustrating dealing with us. Please just try to make sure we don't make tragic mistakes so we can protect all the chins and avoid heartache.

Yeah I could be wrong about everything but thats just my opinion for future postings =]

Ok, so I read alot on here. Yes, sometimes the breeders sound 'mean' but they are trying to be blunt to the point. Yes, people are sensitive, but when you read something, it's all in how you take it. The person may just be laying out the facts, but you interpret it to be mean... I have had fights with friends because they misinterpreted my text or email... I think that people just need to chill and remember that you are reading what someone wrote. There is no tone because you are the one making it seem like there is a tone.

I also happen to agree with Tunes and Riven. They are extremely experienced and have been breeding and know the issues/complications of breeding. There is a long story that tunes wrote about a complication she had... I think... I understand that a lot of the people on here are pet people. Yes, kits are super cute, but why would you want to breed them and possibly have to pay tons of vet bills, etc? I love kits, but I think I will leave it to the breeders/ranchers to have them. People on here are just trying to help you understand what can happen. I do not think that they are being mean. They are just stating facts. Just remember to not take things so personally when you are reading them since you have no clue what 'tone' that person had. Like right now, I am calm, not mad, just wanted to help out and maybe give some advice...