Eep a bit of a stressful morning. Went to check on the chinny dudes before work, as per usual and found the top level of my CN had a door open. Thought that was odd, but figured they would be in the bottom half like they are every morning. Nope! No chins to be seen! Freaked out and started searching the room (luckily they have their own room and I close the door at night). Found one who promptly hid where I could not reach him and ran to get the boyfriend to help find the other one. Manages to find find them both, and get them back in the cage in just a few minutes but didn't have time to assess the damage, did see some chewed wires... Ugh. I don't know where they got the guys to jump out, especially my ball of nerves Nikko. I will have see what they managed to do after work today, I'm gone for almost 12 hours just hope they didn't get into anything bad...
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