Too high of a metacam dosage? Advice please.

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Jun 4, 2013
Richmond, BC
My chin just had some dental work done. He had a broken bottom incisor removed and also some cheek teeth that were overgrown and reshaped. There are several cheek teeth with erosion on them - they are either resorption or cavities as per the vet. These teeth can be painful, especially when the lesions are inflamed by oral bacteria. The specialist recommended pain medication while these teeth grown out and are worn down.

My chin was prescribed metacam oral suspension 0.3 ml by mouth ever 24 hours longterm on a 1.5 mg/ml bottle.

I just wanted to know if this dose seems unusually high for such a small chin who is only 480 grams.

1. Would he overdose on such a recommended dose of 0.3 ml every 24 hours?

2. Will there be long term side effects with this use?

3. Should I only use the recommended dose as written on the instructions of the bottle instead of using the vet's recommendation?

Would like to get everyone's thoughts and advice.
That's sounds ok to me. Dosage on my female was 0.5 she weighed 755 grams
That's sounds ok to me. Dosage on my female was 0.5 she weighed 755 grams

Hi Narcissus,

Since your chin was on 0.5 ml. Was it on a 1.5 mg/ml concentrated bottle or was it a diluted bottle with a lower concentration?

What kind of surgery did your little chin have? How long has your chin been on the metacam? Has she had any side effects?

I just don't want to give it long term just it case it has side effects to the kidneys and livers.
Sounds about right to me. I am also interested in the effects of long term usage. I have one girl with bad roots in her lower jaw. I thought it was going to progress faster than it is. She is absolutely normal except for not eating on her own. She gobbles CC and is gaining weight. Nothing can be done for her except keep her comfortable and fed. We are going on 2 months with metacam. She doesn't do as well when I take her off it so it is something I may have to give for a long time. She does fine with 0.3 mls and weighs 750 grams.
Are you chins taking their dosage of Metacam from a bottle of 1.5 mg/ml or is their bottle of Metacam diluted?

So taking an amount double their size is ok? They would not overdose?

I think I am more concerned if my chin should be on Metacam long term if he is acting normally and eating. Is it really necessary to give just as a preventative?

The vet is thinking the cheek teeth that has possible cavities can be painful, especially when the lesions are inflamed by oral bacteria. She is recommending the pain meds while these teeth grown out and are worn down.
Obsessed....I can't help you there. My opinion on chins with malo is not the same as others. I put them down. It is a horribly painful way to die, it isn't curable. But others might be able to help.
We always did a dosage of 0.2 mg/kg. Your chin is 0.48 kg, x 0.2 mg = 0.96 / 1.5mg/ml = 0.06 ml. So yes, if it is not diluted that is a very large dose...I would call and ask the vet about the dosage.

As for long term use, NSAIDs such as meloxicam is known to cause liver damage in dogs, and can also cause stomach ulcers and kidney failure. Something else you should talk to your vet about, however. There are other pain medications you can use if she wants him on it long term.
I am very conflicted with all the different advice I am receiving and reading in different forums. I don't know if the best route for me is to follow my specialist's instruction or just go by the instruction on the Metacam box.

My specialist is closed today, as it is a stat Holiday in Canada.

We will start feeding my chin the Metacam today. I was wondering what the best method would be?

1. If fed in food, should the amount be a little more since the chin might not eat all of the food? And if fed directly by mouth should the amount be a little less, just in case of an accidental overdose?

2. Can we use just the Metacam itself to mix with the Critical Care? (therefore no water mixed in)


3. Do most people syringe feed the Metacam directly by mouth?

Please advise :)
You shouldn't need to mix the Metacam into anything. It tastes good to chins. Mine have never fought it.

If your chin is eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, moving around - I would not use the Metacam right now. As Stack said, long-term it can cause damage to organs. I don't believe in using meds unless they are necessary or you might find when you really need them that they are less effective.
I seldom used it after a dental procedure. As long as the chin is eating and otherwise seems normal, it isn't needed. I can always tell when one of mine is in pain. They get kind if mopey and irritable and of course, they won't eat.
Is this chin on a antibiotic? Active oral infection can lead to a URI when not treated. Metacam longer than 20 days in a row should be used with pepcid to cut down the chance or GI ulcers.
Hi ticklechin,

He is not on any antibiotic after the dental work. He was on buprenorphine for pain 3 days after the dental work and now suppose to switch to metacam 0.3 ml long term.

He was on baytril prior to all the surgery as he did have some gum infection. The baytril didn't clear up the infection there we were referred to the specialist which then realized that his left front incisor was broken and caused the gum redness. The incisor was removed at the gum line and some cheek tooth were reshaped.

Should I give the Metacam as instructed on the bottle? that being 0.03 to 0.06 ml for his weight. Or should I go with the specialist instructions of giving 10x the dose of being 0.3 ml instead? I don't really understand the reasoning as why such a high dose.

I still haven't given the first dose of Metacam as I am conflicted with all the different thoughts of different owners.