well thats the beauty of having your own pet is that you can choose yourself how to care for them, and if I want my gus to be able to run around the house supervised like I stated then I really dont see what the problem is, especailly after being all caged up all day and I know for a fact he loves it, and as far as the person who had their guinea pigs stepped on by family member and then mysteriously killed at the parents house, to me that sounds like an IQ or common sense issue, and letting them run only in the bathroom, how many germs are in bathrooms? maybe more than anywhere else in the house, the thing is we all love our pets very much, and this forum helps in many ways, but when it comes to play time we all have to becareful, but there is only one life so live it like tomorrow will never come, and let your pets be happy, but dont judge others who actually have the time, patience and the heart to let them have as much as possible