To put to sleep or not?

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Better to let her go having had one or two gloriously happy days of being a normal chin than having had only one or two of those days before the pain comes back. Giving her a little bit of 'normal' and then not being able to keep her that way seems cruel, and by my understanding, eventually there won't be a big enough dose of metacam to keep it from hurting.

Keep her comfortable until you can get her an appointment, but I would not delay that appointment much longer if it were one of my guys. Love her hard-- heck, spoil her with all those treats they like but can't have for their long-term health like raisins if you want!-- and then ask her to wait for you at The Bridge. We'll be here for you once she's gone.
I don't think that i'm being selfish by asking if there are other options. In fact, I would think that it's the complete opposite. My goal was never to keep her here, it was to make sure that I gave her a fair chance. I have made my appointment for Wednesday. Until then, metacam and treats like 3cs suggested.

I just want to offer some support for what you're going through. It must be very hard. I have only had my chins for six months now and I know it doesn't seem long, but I couldn't imagine going through this. I love them so much and it pains me to think of your situation. Not to mention everyone else going through medical problems with their chins. It is inevitable.

I think you are making the right choice to put her down. The soonest they can do it is next wednesday then? I hope she is comfortable. I know you are doing your best to help her until then.

I will keep you and your chin in my thoughts...
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I've had three chins with malo, the first I fought until the end and I now I wish I hadnt. The other two I quit alot sooner. With malo I think you have to realise when your fighting a losing battle. I always think that malo is one of those diseases that alot of people throw money at although it never really goes away.

Good luck with what ever happends, we are all supporting you.
One of the most amazing moments I've ever seen in a vet's office was a scheduled euth for an older Labrador with allergy problems. He could only eat boiled rice and fish or rabbit or something like that, but he was a total chow hound. Since he'd been with the office for years and they knew he was coming, they'd asked his owner if they could have his last meal at the office. He got a cheeseburger kids meal with an ice cream cone, somebody brought Doritos, I think he got a brownie or a chocolate cup cake... and he inhaled it all with his tail going the whole time. Everybody in the office and the waiting room were in tears by the time the doctor had the shot ready, but that dog knew absolute food nirvana for the first time in ages.

The spoiling, I think, eases our hearts so we can 'show' them that we love them. The shot, in the end, is the real gift, but it's often hard to muster the grace it takes to give it.
I don't think that i'm being selfish by asking if there are other options. In fact, I would think that it's the complete opposite. My goal was never to keep her here, it was to make sure that I gave her a fair chance. I have made my appointment for Wednesday. Until then, metacam and treats like 3cs suggested.

I did not say or imply that you were being selfish by asking about other options. I was simply reiterating that you are making the correct choice in putting her down and sharing MY selfish experience so that you don't have to go through the same thing.
I'm so very sorry, Erin. It must be so hard. It sounds from what people are saying that the prognosis for chins with malo is even worse than for rabbits, at least once there's root elongation, with rabbits we've found we could at least keep them going for some years, and have them be happy and normal between teeth filings. We knew we couldn't do it forever, though. Malo is horrible.
Reading about your Jewel broke my heart, RDZCRanch, I got Henry for my Birthday, too, a few months before, and would be devastated if he were to develop the condition. Part of the reason I got a chin instead of another rabbit was, while I knew chins could develop teeth problems too, it just seems so very common in rabbits. I don't know if this helps at all, probably not when you have an animal suffering despite everything you've done, but I would like to say I've been very impressed with how determined chinchilla breeders are to reduce the occurrence of it as much as is possible.

I hope your girl is comfortable for now, I know you're doing your best for her.
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I'm sorry you're dealing with this Erin. Unfortunately I'm sure that this won't be your last time, with all the rescues that you help. Malo sucks.