To old to be single?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Im 28. Most of my friends are married or engaged. I have dated in the past, but not in the past couple of years. I had some personal things to work through at the time. I didn't think I could handle a relationship. I just feel old sometimes to still be single. It's hard to meet a nice guy. I won't be in a relationship just to be in one. I find myself jealous of my friends and little brother sometimes, because they are all in relationships.
I don't think you should be in a rush to be in a relationship. A lot of people rush into relationships and then end in heartbreak/divorce. This is your time to be who you are, to experience the world, to do what you want to do. Once you settle down, you don't want to have any regrets. And finding your match takes time, not to be taken lightly. Have fun being single, and the right person will come along at exactly the right time!
You are not to old. If you can't be happy single you will never be happy with someone else. Just enjoy it while it lasts
My mum was left single at the age of 50 when my dad up and did a runner. They'd been together since they were 15, so my mum had never dated before. Anyways, she found a nice guy after a couple of years, and now they've bought and renovated a house together.
My point is, you're never too old to be single, and you're never to old to find the right guy (or girl). You just have to get out there and look around, make sure to have lots of fun while you're looking, and never settle for less than the best!!!
You're not too old! Most of my friends are around that age group are partyin' it up! And some are recently divorced, having second thoughts about getting married... etc. you're young!!
NOT too old, many people are married and divorced by that time anymore! Good for you for working on your own problems instead of expecting someone else to fix them for you! If you feel like you are missing out, start dating, check out any matching site and you'll find lots of guys of all ages looking for someone great!
definitely not old at all!!! better to be single then end up in a relationship that does not work out or meet your expectations...many people who are in relationships are not happy at all just from my own expedience...