He was the best chinchilla there ever was. So loving, talkative and playful, we know he truly loved us and we loved him. I thought he was sleeping in his hammock when I got home and let him rest while I made dinner. He would always wake up and go to his food dish when we ate it was so cute
I wanted to give him scritches so I went to go wake him up and he just .. didn't. I don't have much experience losing anyone but I was and am devastated. He was just fine earlier that day, eating sticks and jumping around. But we do take comfort knowing he was comfortable and in his favorite place when he passed. We made a box with his favorite toys sticks and some dust, and wrapped him in his hammock. I just don't know how to handle it, he won't be there for me when I get home today, the house is quieter now and I'll never be able to hear his little chirps ever again. I love you Kupo.