Timothy hay vs cubes

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So Calif
I was wondering if any one has changed from hay to cubes and how your chins like it. I am having problems getting good hay around here from feed stores. I pay $27 - $30 and the hay isn't that great. I just purchased a bale on Monday and it's just like stalks. I know my chins are picky eaters but they just won't touch it. Some of the stalks are 2 feet long.

Any feed back will be helpful in deciding to make a switch.

Thanks ahead of time
I feed both, and while all my chins eat loose hay, most will also snack on the cubes. I get 50/50 Timothy + Alfalfa mixed cubes. They come in a 50 lb sack from the feed store. Not sure on prices in your area, but around here they run $11-15 per bag.

Loose hay is better for their teeth, but cubed hay is better than none at all (especially if they're refusing to eat what you've got there). I've heard of larger breeders & ranchers who only use cubes, as its such a hassle to feed loose hay to hundreds of chins. So far as I know, there werent any dental issues within their lines.

Good luck!

edited to say - I have to put the cubes in wire holders, or the chins just use them as soccer balls, then pee on them when they're done shooting goals. (lol)
If the hay isn't all that great and you're paying an absolute fortune for dried out hay, the cubes aren't a bad idea. They will be cleaner and easier to give out. I get a 70/30 timothy/alfalfa cube that works pretty well...but I also give out loose hay and other hay cubes.

The 50/50 cubes are great, too. I used to buy those when they were more available to me, but now I sort of have to go with what I can get. The cubes I get now are more crumbly.

Have you ever tried bermuda hay? Sometimes it's a little easier to find in better quality bales. You could give the cubes and maybe try loose hay like bermuda or orchard grass from time to time. I like loose hay because the chins really, really love eating it and playing with it. So what if I have to clean up a monumental mess every morning? The chins are happy. :)

Yes, I do agree. You can use cubed hay instead of loose and it will get the job done as far as giving something to chew on and giving the chins roughage to keep their little digestive systems in good shape.
Have you tried different feed stores? I've been to several in Orange County and decided to stick with one in San Juan Capistrano. All the hay around here is first cut, so stalkier in general. You will need to shop around to find softer bales. OR... maybe you can try mixing orchard hay and timothy hay. My guinea pigs eat orchard/timothy hay mix because timothy hay alone is too rough for them. My chins do not touch hay cubes at all.

Good luck... :))
I've used oxbow hay for the last 3 months and both my boys love it. Recently I've given them oxbow's timothy hay cubes, they smell so fresh, and both boys are eating them up as well.
eycamry - I use 2 different feed stores. This is the 1st time I had problems with this one.

I've gone thru a 1/2 bale already since Monday. I'm going to see if he will refund my money. I did talk to the guy on Tuesday and he said so far I'm the only one complaining. I told him I'm feeding chinchillas not horses.

I think I will get a small bag of cubes and still try to find some good hay.
eycamry - I use 2 different feed stores. This is the 1st time I had problems with this one.

Each bale is going to be different, even from the same farm. Try a bale from another store. I've bought a bale from Yorba Linda Feed store (in La Habra) a while ago. It was not bad, a little stalkier and had some weird looking grass among hay, which my guinea pigs really liked. There is also Kruse Feed & Supply. You can try selling the left-over hay to rabbit owners on Craigslist. Rabbits like rough hay. Most of my local customers are rabbit owners. :))
Those are the 2 feed stores I go to. This last bale was from Yorba Linda which I'm having problems with. I was in the area so I went to Yorba Linda Feed. I usually go to both places and check out the hay 1st before I purchase. This is the 1st time I didn't do it.

I donate the hay to the animal shelters in Downey once a month since I go into this area to purchase rabbit pellets and dust.
Midway City is far from me but I guess if I need to go there to get what I pay for the drive wouldn't be that bad.
I also use both. People in here do sell both products tho. Also I ordered hay once from drfostersmith.com and to be honest it was very fresh.

good luck.
I was able to get a full refund this morning. I went to another feed store and the hay was a lot better.

Thanks everyone for the info.