Tilly and malo

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Tilly is home and REALLY alert. The way she bounces back after the teeth filing amazes me. She got in the cage, took a bath, and immediately got on the corner shelf (which is her way of saying its time to eat) and took 30mls of CC on top of the 20mls she ate for the vet tech immediately after she woke up. Then she proceeded to go run on the wheel for a few minutes and go groom Gizmo. Her will to live is so inspiring. I dont think I could put a chin through repetitive filings if it wasnt her because I am not sure how many of them would fight this hard and take it so well.

I didnt give her pain meds yet, I wanted to ask your opinion. They gave her buprenex during the trimming so I wasnt sure if I should give metacam for anti inflamm? I am not sure which class of drug buprenex is and didnt want to double up on anything.

The vet gave me the same news as usual. It is getting worse, her tounge doesnt fit in her mouth as well which creates the drooling (in addition to pain), and it isnt going to get better. Her right side top teeth and bottom teeth were overgrown and criss crossing almost (one toward her cheek and the other toward her tounge). I knew all this. This time he said he heard some congestion which is super concerning to me. I suppose it could be an issue with the roots and sinsuses : /. He sent me home with an antibiotic for ten days. TMS? I havent heard of this. I know this means probiotics...any strains better than others? Ive usually just given acidopholus

Her food is a mix of critical care, lifeline, and ground up Herbal Fusion by Forever Feisty Chin rescue. I just put her antibiotic in the syringe with it tonight. It is pina colada flavored and I didnt want to chance her fighting me on the flavor and not wanting to take it. The vet and I want to monitor her pain symptoms for two weeks with the new tramadol and then re convene.

Should I give her either metacam or tramadol tonight?

Also, if I should proceed with the fomatidine what should I ask the pharmacist to do? Draw it up in which strength?

This is a lot. Sorry, I am just trying really hard to keep her comfortable and healthy. Thank you so much guys
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TMS is tri meth sulfa.usually referred to as the pink stuff. It is a broad spectrum anti biotic. My vet usually prescribes because it can keep any infections at bay from the teeth scratching the gums or any cuts in the mouth. Bothe the tms & the famatidine are the standard formulations.....no compounding needed. I give richie .10 which is 1 10th of a cc every time I give meds. So if you give the tramadol and/or metacam twice a day give the famatidine each time. I'm not sure bout the pain meds. I would think by now the bupremex has worn off and a dose could be administered.
Do not use the tramadol with the buprenex, drug interaction issue there. Tramadol with metecam or burenex with metecam. I would use the metecam max dose and see how she does, if there are pain symptoms do tramadol with metecam min dose. I don't want to be a downer but URIs kill malo chins, so to be honest I would have wanted baytril and TMS together to nip this congestion in the bud. If you are only using the TMS the LL has enough probiotics in it, no need to supplement since TMS is easy on the tummy.

Buprenex is rapidly metabolized by chinchillas so I was RXed it every 6 hours. Its a controlled substance so vets can be pissy about giving it.
Thanks. So we def think its a URI? I guess that would be the only reason for congestion. I'm wondering if I should dall the vet to get baytril or see if her symptoms subside by the next appointment right after its finished. I just don't want that to be too late.
Can you hear her breathe? Does she gasp and grunt when eating from the syringe? Does when she is at rest look like her breathing is heaving? Compare it to the other chins at rest to see if she is different. I would for peace of mind call the vet and ask again about the congestion, does he think its a URI and what does he think about baytril, just so you asked. Baytril is the drug of choice for most vets for URIs, I personally do not use it anymore but IMO its a better choice than TMS alone.
She isnt displaying any of the symptoms which is why I was surprised when he said she sounded congested. No nasal discharge, no breathing heavy, no noises. He called it mild congestion..whatever that means.
I just weighed her and shes down 40g since yesterday.... She ate just about the same amount.
Up the amout of feed, I increase the ratio of LL to CC since LL is alfalfa based with more protein, chins when the body is under stress will loose weight rapidly even when the food intake is the same, I often have to add a extra 30ml meal for a few days after a aggressive dental visit. You really have to work and try to keep the weight steady since rapid weight loss can result in hepatic lipidosis and you wil add liver problems to your plate. As far as the congestion, I error on the side of caution, even at the expense of adding to the antibiotic resistance problem, and will tend to want to over treat since I know the fatality rate of URIs is high and malo chins are already immunosuppresed.
Thanks, adding more LL is a great idea. I fed her extra CC /LL yesterday I think she had a total of 120ml split into three feedings. Hopefully tonight when I weigh her it makes a difference. I am going to call the vet today as well. Also, I dont need to be concerned about giving the antibiotic spaced out from the LL due to the probiotics? I heard this once. . . she eats it the easiest mixed in to CC but I want to be carefu.
She gained about 15g back. Please keep your fingers crossed that this trim gives her some relief so she has a little longer
Now today she is down another 9g....I am bringing her for a recheck tomorrow to adress the dermatitis on her paw, to have him listen to her lungs again, and explain some of my concerns more.
Tilly update: we went in for a recheck today. Her lungs sound much clearer and she is back to her pre tooth trim weight (580g). I am adding the metacam to her regimen with tramadol and we will finish out the antibiotic. I know people warn about long-term use of antibiotics but the truth is that she wont be around long-term. I hope for another 6 months. Next trim we will re do bloodwork (mid december).

He was happy with the teeth he could see lining back up. He asked that I dont bathe her as frequently despite the wetness from the drool. Sometimes I would put it in twice a day for 15 minutes at a time. He thought the URI could have been from that. I guess that was foolish of me... Now I know to clean her drool with soap and drying thoroughly instead of extra baths.

As soon as we got back she rushed to her corner shelf for dinner and down 55ml of food.

All in all it was a decent visit. Thanks fo the support and I will keep everyone updated.
Good news about the lungs!

Long term use of TMS is not a problem, I have used it in excess of a year with no problems with the gut.

The problem with frequent dust baths for malo chins-meaning the malo chin dusts itself is the drool coagulates the dust and they can inhale dust chunks that have bacterial drool on it. I let my malo chins dust themselves every couple of days and I do the drool grooming myself with the soap and water, clean areas first, blow dry on cool, comb dust through the area when dry, that way they don't stink. During the day I dry groom with dust-I dry the area off with a soft towel the best I can, then apply dust to the areas and comb out.

I also have used the brick/sock, dust sprinkle-I get a brick, install it into a sock, put sock on lower level and sprinkle the sock with a coating of dust, not all but most of my malo chins with rub the face on that to keep dry also. This is for single malo chins, since they don't chew the sock is not a issue.
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Wow... the brick sock thing is a great idea! Thanks

p.s. she is 613g today!!
Tilly ended her antibiotic last week for the congestion the vet heard. I havent heard any and she sounded clear at the re check but today I noticed some again when I did my nightly listening and weighing. I started her back on the antibiotic as we have 4 days worth left. I am calling the vet monday to have the rest called in or to get further direction, I think she needs something stronger maybe.

Until then, anything I can do to help her breathe better? I know its probably a URI again

She also lost about 5g consistently forr 3 days now, I know its not much but its more fluxuation then she was having.