Thoughts & prayers for Smudge please.

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Guess I will post the questions here in case anyone else knows the answers to them.

Do they sedate the chin to perform the enema?
Around how much does it cost? I'm trying to get a rough estimate of how much I'll be spending.
Any post-care that I will need to prepare for?

I'll be calling my vet tomorrow to ask the questions as well so I can be prepared should he need it.
I have no enema experience (thankfully) but I do want to say YaY on eating! Maybe if he eats enough, it'll work it loose and you won't need an enema or anything else.
Yep. He's been eating a few pellets on his own here and there and I'm still feeding him CC every couple of hours. I've also watched him nibble on a few pieces of hay. He will usually sit and take the CC without much fight. If I dip the tip of the syringe in the simethicone, he will lap the CC up like candy.

I am letting him run around now for a bit of exercise. He's produced a few poops just in the first 5 minutes. Small & hard, but poops :)) He seems pretty alert, not nearly as lethargic as he was. He almost seems back to his normal self and is exploring and running around like his normal playtime would be. Now if we could just get that GI system to get moving.
Guess I will post the questions here in case anyone else knows the answers to them.

Do they sedate the chin to perform the enema?
Around how much does it cost? I'm trying to get a rough estimate of how much I'll be spending.
Any post-care that I will need to prepare for?

I'll be calling my vet tomorrow to ask the questions as well so I can be prepared should he need it.
Chili was sedated.
I believe the cost of the enema treatment itself was $27.00, they didn't charge for the anesthesia as they carried that charge over for the x-rays. So count on an anesthesia charge as well.
We didn't have any special post-care requirements. She was a bit damp and slimy after wards, which I dried with a towel to keep her comfortable. Then dusted.
Chili was sedated.
I believe the cost of the enema treatment itself was $27.00, they didn't charge for the anesthesia as they carried that charge over for the x-rays. So count on an anesthesia charge as well.
We didn't have any special post-care requirements. She was a bit damp and slimy after wards, which I dried with a towel to keep her comfortable. Then dusted.

Thanks. :))
Stacie, I'm keeping Smudge in my thoughts and prayers! Lot's of praying going on in this household.
Thanks Sandi. I'm thinking about you and CJ as well. :hug: Seems a lot of us have had a hard time with our chinnies lately.
Oh, Stacie, I'm just now seeing this.

I'm so sorry that my Smudgie is in trouble. I know that he's in good hands and that you will do everything necessary to pull him through.

Please give him a whisker kiss from his Auntie Lynn. :hearts:

I'll keep you both in my prayers.
Not much change this morning. He's still pooping, not much and they are still small and hard. I'm getting ready to give him some CC and his meds. Hopefully we see lots of poops over the day :))
Lots of fluids Stack. Subcu him several times a day to try and get those poops to moisten up a bit and get things moving.
He's starting to fight more when I feed him his CC. This last feeding was very hard. I could barely get much CC in him at all without him kicking and protesting.

See his wrath:


Long sleeves from now wrists are on fire.

I moved him back into his own cage thinking that he would feel more comfortable and be more active. He is running in his wheel which will help his gut get moving with the excercise. His activity level is back to normal. He doesn't seem in pain and he is sleeping his normal amount, doesn't seem lethargic. Still not many poos produced, though. I for some reason was thinking our appointment was tomorrow but it's actually on Thursday. I'm stopping by a vet that is here in town tomorrow to pick up more lactated ringer's solution since I am almost out. I'll keep everyone updated.
I put baby food (apple sauce, carrots, squash) in the CC and Eenie loves it. Maybe Smudge will be more willing to eat it that way?
I put baby food (apple sauce, carrots, squash) in the CC and Eenie loves it. Maybe Smudge will be more willing to eat it that way?

I have tried everything. I've tried both the original flavor and the apple banana. He was eating it willingly when I dipped the syringe into simethicone. I've also mixed squash with the CC, and a little bit of apple sauce. I think it's mostly just the fact that he's tired of being wrapped up and prodded.
Do you have any dyne on hand? I had a malo fighter and the only way he would take CC was to dip the syringe tip into the dyne first give him a taste of the dyne and then feed. He may be having pain when you wrap him up-the gut will be very painful to touch so maybe try feeding without the burrito, just a thought.
Yes, I have some dyne.

I was originally feeding him without wrapping him up, then he started to refuse to take the I had to start burritoing him.
i used to have scratches like that too and on my chest! i kept the triple antibiotic ointment in my bathroom.

did you try to crush the pellets with squash instead of CC? richie hated the CC from the beginning. also instead of applesause i used baby food pears. just a teeny tiny. he liked that much better. i dont even wrap him now.......he sits on my lap with his sweet little paw on my one finger and puts his mouth forward for the syringe.