< i poopz in herez
So I talked to the Vet yesterday, told me to give the cisapride a few more days to work, I also have some left over metacam from the last time i brought him to the vet. So i'm giving that too. Just to see if it will help with any pain he might have, and get him to eat more.
They took some blood and said there was a slight elevation of one enzyme, but i forgot the name, i wrote the acronym down but its at home, he said it might have been caused by the distress in his gut.
At this point the vet refuses to do anything with his teeth, chewing surfaces are flat, with only slight splaying, and curvature of the back last molar. I think I will try ordering some different kinds of Hay from APD to see if we can get him to start chewing differently, maybe wear them down. iono anything! I dont want to lose my guy :'( .
What could cause this sort of thing to happen to my 4 year old chin who has shown no teeth problems in the past.
On a happier note, Ricky is passed his poop distress for a month now, and he's gained another 5 grams!
They took some blood and said there was a slight elevation of one enzyme, but i forgot the name, i wrote the acronym down but its at home, he said it might have been caused by the distress in his gut.
At this point the vet refuses to do anything with his teeth, chewing surfaces are flat, with only slight splaying, and curvature of the back last molar. I think I will try ordering some different kinds of Hay from APD to see if we can get him to start chewing differently, maybe wear them down. iono anything! I dont want to lose my guy :'( .
What could cause this sort of thing to happen to my 4 year old chin who has shown no teeth problems in the past.
On a happier note, Ricky is passed his poop distress for a month now, and he's gained another 5 grams!