The Sensational Purple Peep!

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Purple Peep was weaned early at 6 weeks so that his mom could foster one of the kits from Artemis' quads. Despite this, my little chunker is 211g as of today and he is exactly 8 weeks old! Here are some pictures...he is fluffing up very nicely and looking very clear! He bit me a I guess he's a purple people eater now :(




WAIT are you going to the September show in the North east?? It'll be my first show (going for fun, to look), and it would be AWESOME if I got to meet the purple PEEPle eater there!!! I VOTE YOU BRING HIM! :D

Oh. You're the west coast :tissue:
Peep is officially on my poop list. This guy just does not understand that he can't bite everything that comes within range of his teeth!:hair: He's killing me! He's also a VERY messy baby. I don't know how in the world he managed it...but he got something sticky on his back. So, being a good mommy I was dusting it and combing it out, he turned around, climbed on my arm and took a big chunk out of my arm. I now have two bleeding teeth marks and the skin between the teeth marks is bruised and swollen. He is a FREAKING MONSTER!

Here are updated pictures of monster man. He is officially a white violet WRAP. There is a strip of violet that goes almost all the way across his belly. Stinker...


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I wish photos would show how dark her really is. He's almost five months old and his violet splashes have been getting darker every day. He's more violet now than white and his entire head is violet. I'll see if I can get some nice photos when we're at the CA field day in October.
I love him! Don't they say that the beautiful people can get away with things because of their looks? Guess he thinks it's the same for him!
Quote from baby's first post "I was walking around the house cursing and telling the baby he was an impossibility"
Is it any wonder he bites you? I did warn you this would happen, I knew (Insert bad mother story here)