The name game..what in your chins name?

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My lil guy is named Momo. He is named after Aang's lemur-bat on Avatar, the Last Airbender. I love that little guy in the cartoon and the name just fit. Aang named Momo after seeing him eat a moon peach. Momo is Peach in japanese.
I got my chinchilla from another home and kept her name- Cookie
She was named that because it sounds cute but I've kept it because she has freckles on her ears which make me think she's definately a chocolate chip cookie :)
My chinchilla's name is Dezzy, which is short for Desdemona. I got Dezzy from my sister, who named her--Desdemona means "from the devil." My sister thought Dezzy was a bit evil at times; it turns out Dezzy is not evil, she's just highly spirited at times. :)
My little guy is Gary. I picked it because he reminded me of Gary the snail from Sponge Bob with his big eyes. I'm still waiting for him to learn to Meow tho. :D
I got my chinchilla from my uncle who owned a chinchilla during his childhood and he loved it so he got me a chinchilla when I was 10. I asked what color it was going to be, and he didn't know because he had to go to a ranch and pick one out and it was a surprise. (he and my aunt picked the tamest, nicest, and gentlest one they could find after spending over an hour there) After he told me that chinchillas were usually standard grey, I thought of names like midnight, etc. cause I wanted to name it based on its color. I remember watching Eight Below that came out around that time (Christmas) and I loved that movie, it was inspirational and I remember crying, and one of the dogs was named Shadow. Weirdly I remember watching that movie before I got my chinchilla and it says the movie came out in 2006.. I got my chinnie on Christmas Eve, 2005. His middle name is Noel (I pronounce it No-L) which simply means Christmas.
Mine are not super creative, but here goes.

My first two beige boys were litter mates, so I thought it only fitting they had matching or paired names. Being a Disney addict we decided to look for Disney pairs. My **** beige boy was a bit of a rascal and a daredevil (always seemed like he was plotting his next escape), while my hetero beige boy was just a chunky lovable slow poke. Since their personalities fit they quickly became Jaq and Gus Gus after the mice from Cinderella.

My next two boys were adopted from our local rescue, one standard gray and one mosaic. My partner decided he didn't want to do another Disney pair, but did want to keep with a Castle/Royalty theme since our first two were named after Cinderella. Our mosaic boy was born on April first so we named him Jester. Our standard boy is a small guy. His size didn't keep him down though he quickly made himself the head of the "castle." He has a red diamond on his forehead, I know it tends to be an undesirable trait when it comes to showing/breeding, but we loved it. Whimsy at the rescue called him little red. We kept part of it and named him Duke of Reddington, just Duke for short.

I know it's a bit long, but that's how our boys got their names.
Rufus-we were supposed to be getting 2 cats and our first chin around the same time. The cats were going to be Bill and Ted, so we decided to keep that theme and go with Rufus (my bf's favorite character from the Bill & Ted movies). We got Rufus first and never ended up getting the cats.
Zoidberg-he's named after the cartoon character on Futurama. We got him and another chin, Leela, at the same time from a friend of mine and they already had those names.
My chin is called Lucrezia, named after the infamous Lucrezia Borgia (if anyone's seen the Borgias on tv she's the blonde one) and a very famous lady from history. Totally not evil like everyone makes out though :)
I named Charm while halfway through the last Harry Potter book. It was originally going to be Caprice after my husbands favorite type of car but it didn't fit her.
I use French and Italian names just to make it more fun for me. I do have 1 female I bought from a retired breeder who named her Amber because of the fires that were burning by her house in California at the time when she was born. I also have a TOV sapphire male chin that was going to be Bleu, but when I thought he quit growing at age 6 months (some sapphires will grow well until about that age and then stop) I named him Sacrebleu, which is an old French profanity, meant as a cry of surprise or anger...literally, it means "sacred blue" or "blue curse". Anyways he started growing again, but I kept the name and when I see him I say his name in my best French accent (which is terrible), but it makes me laugh.
Already explained the trio's names, but Daenerys comes from Game of Thrones. I love the series and I knew this girl would be a spoiled chin princess so I named her after my favorite princess ;). She goes by Dani now...probably because the other three girls all have two syllable names, lol!
Drake the standard grey chinchilla. His previous owner (my boyfriend) thought naming him after the rapper was cool. So cooooooool. T_T

It seems like my beautiful girl is actually my beautiful boy!

We've just changed her name from Lucrezia to Cesare

Don't I now feel a little daft? lol
Can't believe I haven't posted on this thread yet.

My first chin was a pet store purchase, and she was nervous when the shopkeeper tried to grab her and drag her out of the TANK she was in. She ran up the wall and lapped the sides of the tank trying to get away from him, so my son immediately wanted to name her after a Sonic the HedgeHog character. He chose Princess Sally Acorn of Knothole Village. We just call her Sally.

A few weeks later we went back and bought her cagemate and named her Amy Rose, to go with the theme, lol.

A year later, I was helping a friend in NY look for a pink/white male online and stumbled across an ad for "Snowy", a P/W female close enough for me to get! The lady who had her was named Tammy, and we hit it off pretty well. Then my son wanted a Japanese name for the chin, so we picked "Tamika" but ended up just calling her Tami. Or Princess Tamikins, most days.

I bought a beautiful little violet from a "breeder" :p and named her Evie after the woman in the Mummy movies, which I love. She has since passed from malo...

Patty was originally named Cookie, but since she was 1015g, my friend Tracy called her a "fatty mcpatty" and we decided her name should be Patty McFatty, lol.

Phoebe came to the CCR (rescue) named "BeBe" but Tanya didn't like that name, so I suggested Phoebe as being close to it, but not so obnoxious.

Soon I am getting a new baby from Christiane (Saphires Chinchillas) and we have decided to name her Ruby. Her mama's name is Pearl, her eyes are dark red, and my birthstone is Ruby, so it seemed perfect. She's a Lowe Recessive White.
my girls have boring names lol

Juliet - who did have a mate named Romeo but he passed and when family surrender Juliet I did not have the heart to change her name and since my name is Julie it just seemed like we were meant to have her lol

Channel - was dropped off at humane shelter with no name .. my rescue group went and got her and we were brainstorming on a name one of our volunteers came up with Channel ( like the perfume ) .. and it sounded good with Juliet's name
Pablo- after Pablo Sanchez from backyard baseball. I was obsessed with that game as a kid and when it came to think of a name for some reason it just came to me.

Princess Mononoke- After the anime movie, Princess Mononoke. I call her Moke (pronouced Mokee) for short or Mochachino when i'm feeling cuddly. Hence my screen name! I don't play favorites.. Just pablomochachino would have been ridiculously long.