Thanks guys! Lynn you should've make a stop by here and taken her to the WI show with you, but then again you would've snuggled her and messed her fur all up anyway... lol
Nice work! I showed my new boy at the OR show and he actually got a 2nd! Your girl is gorgeous!!!! My big problem is size, but your girl looks great in that department. WTG, making great progress...
Thanks guys! Lynn you should've make a stop by here and taken her to the WI show with you, but then again you would've snuggled her and messed her fur all up anyway... lol
I'm very impressed, she looks great compared to the original stock. They are definitely longer bodied and ratty looking. Can't wait to see the next generations!
Thanks everyone. Tabitha I agree, lol. It's just nicer not to say it so I didn't exactly put it that way, lol.
I have three more whites under mom, and three carrier females as well. I've produced a total of 6 whites so far, and lots of carriers, but I started with a white male and a carrier female and then lost the female before I got a kit out of her, so it was basically starting over. Which was nice in a way because I could be very selective with my standards I used to create the carriers. One of my best carrier female is out of the rattiest looking standard female, but I knew she always threw nice big dense animals.
I have one who was born white, but unlike her brother she got dark, like a beige.
I've had her in breeding but she's never bred for me yet... her brother was a normal looking RW, so I don't know what happened, I wish she'd breed so I can see what she produces...