The Infamous "tail" Debate

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Banilly absolutely hates being held by her tail. I've tried it a few times and she gives me a warning growl and runs away from me. I've never tried it with Pudge because I'm so used to Banilly getting mad.
I also have a hard time picking them up with confidence. I find I'm always nervous and let go every time there's a sign of struggle. The chins always win are holding the tail too close to the base of the body. You want to grab the tail at the base, right before the fur to prevent fur slips.

Gosh if that's the explanation it's great then! Thanks Tabitha! None of my breeders or kits ever had a fur slip though. Luckily.
Breeders/ranchers have been holding chins by the base of their tail to groom them for YEARS. The chins don't cry out in pain or anything like that, nor do they act like their was any pain involved after the holding. I honesty don't believe any damage is done.

I had one 6 month old little girl that I groomed once, and she was crying when I held her by the base of her tail and I felt bad about her, so I try not to hold them by their tails and putting them upside down, so I put them on my lap instead
Can someone post some pics of the correct way to do this? Both general holding and catching. I'm a newbie and I don't feel I know the right way to do it nor do I feel comfortable that I'd do it right.
I had one 6 month old little girl that I groomed once, and she was crying when I held her by the base of her tail and I felt bad about her, so I try not to hold them by their tails and putting them upside down, so I put them on my lap instead

I grab the base of the tail then as quickly as possible use my other hand to support their body. Sometimes they kack at the initial suprise of being caught, but I've never had them cry. If I have to hold the tail long term I always let them rest their front paws on my leg so they aren't completely off the ground. Is it common practice to hold them suspended in mid air for grooming or other activities? Seems to me it would be uncomfortable?
Yes, most groomers do so holding the chin only by the tail and not resting on anything. Some will do it on laps or tables, etc, but it is easier to groom them well in the air. It does not hurt them, though it may annoy some of them since they can't move if they want to.

The tail is an extension of their spine and strong enough to support their weight. Their rib cage is more fragile than their tail. However, their tails are not indestructible, swinging them around is not advised.

Hold tight, as they can kick their back feet against your hand and free themselves if your grip is loose.
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Some chinchillas just scream for the heck of it. I had a girl who used to cry bloody murder when she was picked up. It sounds pathetic, but if you're holding them correctly, you're not hurting them.
I remember the first time I accidently grabbed Trixie by her tail. I was holding her to carry her back to her cage and had a looser hold than I thought..she tried to jump out of my hands and when I went to reach for her, I caught her by the tail. Luckily it was a "safe" catch and I grabbed her at the base, and brought her up right away. I panicked and wrote a frantic message on the chin forum I belonged to at the time. They assured me she would be fine...and she was.
So I tried this for the first time by letting Gulliver rest on my arm while I held him at the base of the tail securely with one hand so I could move him to the other side of the house for playtime and have a free hand. He was completely mellow and still, even if he looked slightly defeated (as in the picture). Excellent tip, I thought.

However, the second time, after holding still for a few moments, he suddenly freaked out, jumped to the side, and I had to let him go out of fear of bending his tail since he had scurried sideways. Now he has a ring of bare skin around the base of his tail! I felt rather bad about it. Is this common?


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Sounds like he slipped fur, Grayson. That happens a lot when chins are startled, but it grows back in a few months, no harm done. As for what might have inspired his acrobatics, who knows. A neighbor turned on music. Police siren 3 blocks away. Or he just got tired of being held. Every chin is different.

Mine does what you've described *all the freakin' time*; the minute he gets a foot on something while he's restrained, he tries to launch himself out of my hands. I'm pretty sure his tail has been sprained or broken at least once because of it. :(
Sounds like he slipped fur, Grayson. That happens a lot when chins are startled, but it grows back in a few months, no harm done. As for what might have inspired his acrobatics, who knows. A neighbor turned on music. Police siren 3 blocks away. Or he just got tired of being held. Every chin is different.

Mine does what you've described *all the freakin' time*; the minute he gets a foot on something while he's restrained, he tries to launch himself out of my hands. I'm pretty sure his tail has been sprained or broken at least once because of it. :(

Thanks. In all of this thread I hadn't heard anyone mention slipping fur near the base of the tail...I'm surprised it's not more common (or not more commonly mentioned).

Usually he's mellow if I hold him loosely while I carry him as long as I keep moving so I'm going back to that, although that more often requires the use of two hands. It seems he enjoys the view and still gets his sense of curiosity fulfilled enough when I keep moving that he feels little need to bolt.

Should I not be so scared of the tail thing still? I'd feel horrible if his tail got broken.
I held Handbag by the base of the tail for the first time two nights ago. He thought it was great fun. Got a cute nose swipe and a whisker cleaning while I held him. I think he liked it! ;)