Loving Pet Owner
Excuuuuse me...but Handbag would like to be referred to as "fat but fit." 
Handbag is so cute! So much personality, too. In the last video with the forbidden shelf he goes up to the camera in a guilty "ha ha look at me!" kind of way XD
My absolute favorite video that I've seen is the one where he turns off the Taylor Swift music - I crack up every time!I guess he just didn't like it lol
Awwww, we miss you too. When you come back in August we'll do fu man chu again.So when I was bein' babysatted at Meanie's house, she used to do this thing to my whiskers she called Fu Man Chu…I'm doin' it to myself now. I miss her!
I'm tired now. Just waitin' for the call from Playgirl...