The Greedy Selling to the Stupid

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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i like to make sure my chin gets a nice bubble bath every morning when i get off work, that way i can make sure he washes behind the ears.
It's no bubble bath but your chinchilla will feel and smell like it has been soaking in a hot tub all day."

Miserable, in fear of their life, and stinky! What a selling point!
I had a lengthy conversation with a company here that had a VET tell them that the balls were fine for chins, so they were not listening to me on any of it. So they may, have gotten bad advice from someone, or simply do not know

You should also keep in mind, it is a business, it is out to make money, I dont think all the "as seen on tv" products work as they claim either... my toughts

Well here is the Canadain Mafia from the East Side:thumbsup:

I have had my fair share of not doing the right thing, but I call that learning and growing.

For the first part, I don't understand that companies have not yet understood that the best reference is the people in the field. We are the ones working and living with our animals. Vets. have the degrees but we have the living experiences. So companies please start with the degrees and confirm with the experiences.

First, I don't see why I would spend extra money on a scented dust when chins don't have body odor.

As for buying stuff for all my animals. With the years of having cats, dogs, rats and so on I have thrown away lots of money. Now I ask myself the following questions: do they need it, is it healthy or is it only for my own personnal pleasure. With these questions, I am sure I have saved a fair amount of money from going into the garbage.

So this being said: companies work to put money in their pockets, we are the ones to decide if they have done a good enough job to get our hard earned money.
LOL @ Carol Anne being a member of any mafia!

Actually I belong to the Scottish Mafia as well b/c I was born there and have dual citizenship... they're way more brutal than the Canadians. :impatient:

o this being said: companies work to put money in their pockets, we are the ones to decide if they have done a good enough job to get our hard earned money.

So true. At the end of it all businesses are in business to make money and that's what it's all about, and it really is up to us to look out for ourselves, families and pets. I'm getting better myself at reading labels more these days. I used to be somewhat of a lazy shopper b/c generally I hate shopping, but I'm taking a little more time to find out what exactly is in the stuff I buy. The Internet definitely is a big help with that.