The greatest gadget EVER!

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iPad, iPhone, TomTom sat nav, laptop (for flash sites) ........... I'd be lost without them. :wacko:
Do not listen to Sandi! This is her and her IPhone4:

Um Laurie, DROP it already, it's a losing battle at your end, k?! :impatient: Just read the rest of the like/love iphone posts!

I have to agree with Sandi. Maybe the hugging, but the kissing would just be way too smudgy.

Eh, mebbe a little hug here and there ;))
I've heard the whole iPhone thing is like a cult... :p

I couldn't resist.

Another thing, I thought I was going to hate digital TV...but it's pretty awesome. We had to get converter boxes, but that isn't a big deal. (We don't have cable and I am still living in 1995 in my brain...everything amazes me.)
my favorite gadget is my PS3, love it! Oh and my laptop, i dont have much else except my ipod, but that thing dies all the time.

My friend stood in line for 8hrs yesterday to get an iphone 4....
Do I have to choose between my laptop, iPod touch, and Kindle? You can't make me!! I love them all (although my laptop seems to get the most use...)
I'm getting an iPod touch soon (as a gift) and can't wait to have my music and book in a gizmo the size of my hand. The weight in my purse will cut by half!

For current gizmos, though, my favorite is probably the web cam. I can't see my Better Half in person for at least another month, so being able to talk to and see him simultaneously is a great comfort while we're apart.
I must say that the internet as a whole, along with my Blackberry -- I love surfing the net and having a dial tone at your fingertips anywhere in the world!!! I've even made a call from the top of a 14'er (that's a mountain over 14,000' in elevation) in Colorado!!!

I'm with Peggy -- I don't understand how all of this works, but I am thankful that somebody, somewhere, had the ability to figure it all out and make it work!!!
#1 The Internet - I love being able to look up random things anytime I want and being able to Skype with my niece and hear all about her day at school while watching her fidget and squirm in front of the computer or dance around the room.

#2 - Netflix and Hulu...not really gadgets but I love being able to watch shows when I want to with minimal advertising. We don't actually watch TV anymore.

#3 - Wii. I don't have one but I thinks its an amazingly diverse device. My sister works for an elderly couple. The husband is disabled and uses the Wii as a part of his physical therapy.

I'm not really into phones and texting. In fact it drives me crazy at work. My co-workers are constantly texting someone. They never really say anything important or anything that can't wait until later (when they aren't supposed to be working). People should focus more on what they're doing and where they are at present...not their phone.