Now that my chincage is almost fully complete, here are some pics!
The smaller wire will go off in a week, so finally I can actually see inside the cage
Once it's off, a few smaller extra platforms will be attached, they are allready cut out and sanded
One last word of advice to the male chinkeepers here; never let your GF pick the fleece color. Or you end up like me, tough guy with 2 tough male chins hossing around on pink fleece
Lower half
In the picture you see a glass bowl with aubiose as toilet, 2 home made shelves and willow ball filled with timothy hay
Upper half
Here you see 2 other home made shelves, a few home made chew toys (willow on a sisal rope/toilet paper roll with goodies and timothy inside)
Total picture
Nothing to do with the cage, I just like it when he scratches himself
Last but not least; i once bought a paintingposter that says "Ceci n"est pas un lapin" or french for "this is not a bunny". Its a parody on a well known painting (ceci n'est pas une pipe by Margritte). I bought it ages before i even thought of getting the chins, and now its even more appropriate (it's above the FN cage)