I finished up sewing this morning and now the cage is ready for Christmas! I regret not having gotten Christmas fleece for the back of the cage, and I might still go out and get some since I'm OCD about matching.
omg i want your massive cage! duhh!!!!!!
i love the leopard! where'd you get the cute house?!?!?!?!?!?!
Awesome cage! but watch out for that kitty being in there, that could end badly...
And maryelizabeth, your cage is really cute too! I love the colors, just double check to see if the beds you have in there are safe. are they completely fleece? They look like the ones they sell at petco and the inside material is some other material that they can pull apart/ingest :-(
I think thats a dog. :tease:
Mine are about 50/50 on the litter pans. They do use them a lot, but the fleece on the shelves gets pretty gross too. 50% is better than nothing, less pee on the fleece!