Bass pans are nice, but aren't really necessary if you have fleece liners. Its only really a necessity if your going to use shavings.
Well I am officially a FN cage club member. I went to Petsmart and bought my cage. I was told that they didn't have anymore and was really upset but I just wanting to see if there were things that perhaps Phoenix would like and when I went to the counter to pay I asked for a raincheck and the lady had to have the number or something but they ended up having only one left and I was soo excited and mad that I was told that they didn't have anymore.
I bought it and I put it together at my brother's dad's house and he is going to bring it to my apartment tomorrow night. We made some ledges, a bridge, and some hanging toys. I can't wait for Phoenix to get into her new cage tomorrow night. I will definitely have pictures posted.
I'd like to stick to bedding...I'm not totally sold on the fleece liners yet....
Buying shavings right now isn't a major expense. My laundry is coin operated, and paying $4 more a week to wash fleece is more expensive for me. So far the shavings have worked pretty well, and I don't like fixing things that ain't broke....
The main reason I use fleece liners is because I was going through soooo much bedding with 3 cages to clean every week. I also had a lot of trash. Throwing away trash bags full of bedding was a pain, and the liners have cut my cage cleaning time in half. Where as it took me almost 2 hours to scoop out all of the bedding in my cages, now it takes me about an hour to change liners, scrub everything down, etc. Only about 10 minutes if I'm just changing liners out.
Also, I love my new wood shelves but will miss the ability to hang toys from the shelves like I could on the shelves the FN came with. Does anyone have a solution for this?