The effects of York...

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I always quarantine rescues. Doesn't matter where they are coming from, they go to a different room. As for my breeders it depends largely on who I am buying from. Honestly, chances are if i'm buying from someone though it's for a reason, and their animals are going straight into the chin room.

If I know the breeder in question had say a fungus outbreak a few months prior to my purchasing I'll put that animal into quarantine, as stress can bring out fungus just to be sure.
I took 15 chinchillas to the show yesterday...they are all back in their normal cages or paired with new mates. When coming back from a show...I know WHERE the animals came from and chances are I've bought animals from that breeder/rancher before and I know the health of those animals.

My rescues are quarantined for 30 days...even if I'm sure they look healthy, I just can't risk my herd like that. The two new boys off craigslist are quarantined and will stay away from my herd for the entire 30 days.

Congrats on the new girl Ash! Piper and Noon look like they've taken to each other really well..thank goodness!
Thanks guys!

And they have. I was worried because Noon can be a snotty brat, it worked out great. "Cage 100" however still needs a name, the poor girl...
Haha Jess! It was the last pan on the table. Glad everyone enjoyed it. I might go with Willow... We'll see how Keith likes it.
Hehehe we might go with Willow, but I will still probably refer to her as Cage 100 occasionally. She's been a little iffy about everything, but is settling into the life of a luxury. Piper has also moved onto harassing her in place of Noon :rolleyes: silly baby... I need to get a video of her doing laps around the cage.
Ok, Stace. Willow just isn't working. I keep wanting to go with something meaning "100". The closest I've found is Gaelic which is Céad (kayd) anyone else have any other suggestions?
Nah, I don't want something really plain and ordinary... lol if I can't find anything else, I'll probably go with Céad
I know Swahili for 100 is Mia..that's the only real name I know of..haha. Google translation came up with these:
Ekato, Cento, Cem, Suta, Sata, Cien, Hundra
Céad has stuck. :) Keith isn't happy with it, thinks I should just name her "Jade" but he had his chance.