When I had my hamster, parrotlet, Rodya + Sonya, and then brought home Mork and Orson, I was told NO MORE. Then Ivan was born XD
The funny part is, my boyfriend is the one who tells me 'no more' adn I don't even live with him. So of course I don't care what he says. Lol.
My roommate is fine with it as long as it doesn't take up too much of our shared room, so when I told him Pico was going to be staying in my room, he was fine with it. My mom has also told me that I have too many pets. But I don't live with her anymore, so :neener:
Half the reason I gave to my mom and boyfriend as to why I NEEDED to rescue Pico was because I was already down 2 chins, and it was just 2 too few. Say that 10 times fast :wacko: