Chinchilla Goddess
If you check out Annie's cage up do in housing area that hide away house is from her. I also got a bed and a swing to match but they are in my 4 girl's cage.
Patty, they would probably chew it up but wouldn't a princess crown hay holder be over the top?? lol Oh or a tall espresso cup for Mocha, and Latte?
I like it!
It probably should be slightly more functional though, right??? Something they can't pull all the hay out of at once! :banghead:
Maybe something with plain back (you don't see this anyway) and then a crown in front, and then have the side or sides with slats where they can access the hay?
Not sure what kind(s) of saws you have access to...but if you cut out the crowns "gems" that'd also give places to grab hay outjust sayin'!
Not sure what kind(s) of saws you have access to...but if you cut out the crowns "gems" that'd also give places to grab hay outjust sayin'!
Allie! I love that peek-a-boo pick of Ivy!!!