The ChinChiller-Zilla

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I'm thinking about getting a teeny battery operated fan to put in with the icepacks, would that help cool the tile better/faster?
I don't think it would cook the tile any faster. I think the tile would be plenty cool with just the ice underneath it.
Alrighty, well its gonna be 98* today so we'll see if Kingston uses it. It's already 70* and its only 9 v_v bleh! Thank god for AC!!!
Yeah a fan would not do to much, but it seems like it shall work well, is the wood getting wet at all from condensation?
nope the wood is not getting wet but I also put a bandanna under the black tiles and it covers the exposed wood, it works pretty well. He used it a little today but I don't think he was that warm considering we had the AC going.
that is really cool haley. you could also put the ice packs in a plastic ziplock, since kingston couldnt get to it anyway. would keep the wood from warping. :)