Ok, so a few more questions! Lol. It's been a year since I got my first tattoo, so I just want to make sure I have everything before Tuesday.
A&D or Bacitracin for the first few days. Then after that, lotion such as Eucerin. Wash gently with anti-b soap, dab-dry with paper towels throughout the healing. Don't pick at any scabs, yadda yadda yadda. Anything to add/correct?
Also, any suggestions for what to wear when I go to get this done? I'm guessing a tube or halter top would be a good choice since this will be going between my shoulder blades? Should I take a loose overtop for afterwards? I know it's going to be harder to keep clothing off my upper back, so what suggestions do you have for this? I'm probably going to be wearing tanktops under my work shirt so I can take it off during breaks and "air" my tattoo out. I can't wait!
Also, I 'm starting to think I might get it done a bit higher up, and not get the wings at all. The wings might just be a little overmuch, and I think having it down too low would be kinda pointless for when I wear shirts.