Tan Violet?

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
I saw someone listing a Tan Violet for sale. Since the classifieds isn't the place for chit-chat I thought I'd post here. What is a Tan Violet? I've never heard of this mutation. I've heard of violets, violet wraps (ebony gene?), white violet, and tov violet. Anyone have a picture?
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I'd have to agree with Sumiko. Why in the world would anyone want to play around with something like that, let alone advertise it! Going back to my corner now.
@Sumiko- If you're refering to the tan violet there was no picture with the thread.

Thanks for answering my question everyone. I was thinking it was something along those lines but I wasn't sure. :)
There is a picture of a tan violet on the chinchillas.com site, you would have to search on the expired auctions on the mutation females or something, don't remember now.
Violet is added to beige lines to prevent the "oxidized" look that beiges tend to get over time. Violet adds a blue hue, which is desirable. Even still, in breeding such mutations I'd imagine years and years of work would have to be put in to create an animal of any decent quality. Just throwing those mutations together would likely create a poor quality chin. The one in the chinchillas.com ad is not too shabby but I have seen better. Beige violets are actually one of my favorite mutations.
Hmm not as bad as I thought,but still nothing I'd personally mess around with, but kind of cute. He/she does look like it has some personality!
The Ritterspach chin probably has generations of quality animals in its pedigree. I don't think many breeders would be able to produce an animal like it unless they had been focusing on that combination for years. And then, how many 'junk' chins would have to be produced before you get something that nice?
Beige violets look washed out to me. You lose the veiling and grotzen when you mix beige with violet.

Tav violets though... that doesn't make any sense to me at all. Why throw eb into the mix?