I heart Leonard
Giggy is a violet I just KNOW it!!!!
Ladies don't forget you need to see me before you go! I have a carrier for you to take
--looks like all of Sandi's crew is gonna be mine lol!
Um, Sandi is in my chin will, I BETTER be in hers for Twilight and Jet! :impatient:
Ok Stack you can have Twilight and Jet but I get Cassie and that's not open for trade or discussion! LOL! A week from now we will be safely there and I'll be trying to see some prairie dogs and I'm sure Sandi will be ooooogling some Park Ranger's butt!!!!!
Man, you guys have no faith in me :neener:!
BUT should I mysteriously disappear, you got it!![]()
Well, for the record, those rangers were pretty yummy!![]()
Shay you can sleep while you're waiting for us to get there! I have you SO beat! I'm already packed cept for my hair stuff and makeup (and back up nail polish stuff) You NEVER pack early girl--when will you learn LOL!
Sleep is wayyy over rated Shayna! Just make sure you make that shuttle, k?!