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Sep 26, 2011
Saguenay, Quebec
Hi guys,

It's just a small question. When my hedgehog is sleeping on my lap, after a little while I can see his tail sticking out. He hides it back if something frightens him. I wonder what this gesture means, do they put their tails out when they're happy or calm?

You nailed it. When sleeping, a good sign of trust and relaxation is their little tails sticking out. Watch for him to start to stick his feet out and sprawl out as he gets more comfortable with you.
When mine does that, it means he's so comfy he could just poop! And then he does.... :p
Adorable! You are almost there. The next step is those back legs will stretch out backwards. I'm sure there are images on here of it. Its a position that always brings a smile to my face as it means they really do trust you.
I'm not trying to steal your post, I'm just so happy to hear that the things I'm seeing my hedgie do are wonderful signs that she is feeling more and more comfortable with me! Tonight I saw her stretching front and back legs stretched out as far as she could reach then she just plopped down and stayed all stretched out, it was so cute! Still doesn't want me touching her, but she's also quilling a bit so I'm sure she's uncomfortable.
haha. sprawling out. My Chi did that once when I had her sandwiched between a fleece blanket covering my legs, and the heating blanket on top. She sighed and sprawled out. TOO CUTE!!!!

Is it just me, or can other hedgie owners "sense" what mood their hedgie is in? without touching them?
haha,im so happy that my hedgie ad sleeping on my lap!!
im so excited and happy because i have my hedgie not enought 1 week only ^^
seems like im getting a very tamed SnP Pinto Boy XD