Suddenly Hates Me

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I wrote on here about taking Annie to vet last Monday. Ever since, she has really acted afraid/aggressive (not sure which to call it) towards me. She curls up in a ball and shakes, jumps, and huffs louder than I've ever heard her. She won't calm down no matter how I try to handle her, talk to her, and no matter how long I have her out of her cage. In the past my voice would calm her, but now whenever I talk, she huffs louder.
I know that she's not feeling great, so that must be a factor in this also.

Any suggestions on what to do to make her calm down and love her mommy again?? :(
Just keep working with her. She was probably stressed from the visit and needs to re-acclimate herself to you and her home.
Poor little Annie-she must be so upset. But you are the best hedgie Mommy. You will bring her back.
I agree with Melissa. Give her some time, to get over the stress of the vet trip. She'll come around!
Sit with her in a quiet room. Place her on your chest or on your lap and place a blanket over her. Don't try touching her. And offer her some mealworms or something else she likes if she starts to settle down. Allow her to destress. Some get really upset from vet visits. One of my first hedgehogs was like this. I hated taking him to a vet because of how stressed he would become by the ordeal. Often it would take 2-3 days for him to become my little boy again.