Sudden onset hind limb paralysis

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
Has anyone experienced sudden onset hind limb paralysis in a hedgehog? I'm looking for some information on what the hedgehog was diagnosed with and what treatment was attempted.

Within a couple of hours Poptart went from being normal to loosing the ability to use her hind legs. Long story short: X-rays show a lot of arthritis in a big portion of her lower back (she's been asymptomatic for arthritis before this), she didn't react to pain in her feet, and we think we may see a spot on her spine, a possible ruptured or slipped disc. At the moment we are attempting to get any inflammation down in hopes it will help her regain some mobility in her legs. Her spirits are normal otherwise.

If anyone has experienced anything similar, I'd love to hear what symptoms you saw, what your vet did/diagnosed, treatment provided and what the outcome was.
Oh no! Poptart! I'm so sorry.

I've only see that in a dog - went from running about to no use hind legs suddenly. It was a slipped disc. Guess it's easier to see that in an x-ray with a dog than a hedgie. The solution was anti-inflammatory meds, rest, and restricted activity (ie, no chasing after toys, no standing up on hind legs only). The situation improved for the doggie. She was up and walking around again... I don't recall the amount of time between when she lost and regained the ability to use her hind legs. But the restricted activity portion of things needed to continue until she passed away (d/t unrelated condition).

I sure hope Poptart can regain the ability to walk. How is she getting around at this point - via you and her daddy? Or able to pull herself with her front legs?

Sending many positive vibes to you and Poptart.
This is actually encouraging. She's on non-steroidal anti-inflammatories at the moment and is suppose to rest and have restricted activity. Doc said this can take a long time to heal, but hopefully we will see some improvement.

She is moving with her front legs. She's quite strong and gets around ok considering. She is having some trouble getting in and out of bed, so I will have to make a new bed for her that has no lip to it.

Poptart only uses her wheel for a bathroom. I have made a sling to help her run on her wheel while holding her rear end up. It worked last night to get her to defecate. Hopefully she will learn she can go without a wheel!

She ate some for me, but dropped a lot of weight. She also drank for me some last night when I held the bowl for her. I did syringe feed her a couple of ccs this am, but she doesn't understand what I'm trying to do and was fighting me over it, so I didn't push it this morning.
Poor Poptart. I can't offer any advice. The only one I've had with sudden onset paralysis was Freckles and it was front limbs as well, with the right side being the most affected. It was possibly a stroke but no definite diagnoses. WHS was considered but this happened over a 24 hour period and over the next months while there were similarities, but there were also many things that WHS hogs can no longer do, such as fully quill and ball up.
Aw, not Poptart :(
The only thing I have to say is my ferret had that happen and the vet discovered a tumor on his pancreas. We had him pts.
Hopefully it isn't a tumor. X-rays didn't show anything else alarming, but of course tumors don't always show up on x-rays.

This hedgehog is extremely active still. Eventhough she is supposed to be on bed rest, I cannot make her rest! She has no wheel, but has been burrowing under her liners and otherwise destroying her cage each night. She gets around really well with just her front legs.

Her personality is unchanged. Last night I had her on my lap in her snuggle bag. I had my hand in the bag with her, she pushed her nose under my hand to move my hand over her, then flipped herself over on her side so that I could rub her tummy. She loves tummy rubs.

Bathroom time has been challenging, but I got her to urinate for me. I have made a sling to help support her back end while she runs on her wheel. After a couple of laps she urinates. I did find some poop in her cage this AM so at least she is pooping without the wheel now, hopefully urinating will follow.

Her weight dropped a lot the first couple of nights, but last night it was steady and she was eating kibble, if it is in her bed, this am. I'm hopeful that she will start to regain what she lost.

I pray we will get some mobility back in those legs, but at least for now she is holding steady and moving around, even if I would like her to rest a bit more to heal.
As long as she isn't "skinny," perhaps it might be a good thing if she's weighing in a few grams less than she does usually. Less weight to need to pull with her front legs. Maybe less weight to stress out her back. Dunno... it's a thought.

Sending more positive vibes.
So far she's doing ok. Her weight is back up 8 grams (was down 20). She's eating normally again. Even ate some watermelon for me last night. And she has learned she can poop and pee without a wheel! I have been finding little poops here and there, but she always takes a normal size one when I help her run on the wheel. I also had not found any pee spots outside of the wheel one. This morning, I found lots of poopies in 1 corner of her cage and a pee spot (mind you the opposite corner of her bed). :) Poop and pee can make a mommie so happy.

I think she's holding her legs differently too. I don't know what to make of that yet. But when she moves around her legs somehow end up back under her instead of behind her like they were... On her back they seem to be being held in a more normal spot. Doesn't look like she can move her lower leg yet, but maybe its a first step? Dunno. I'm supposed to call doc tomorrow with an update.
I realize that I posted in a chin thread encouraging someone to not worry about posting too often as we love updates on health conditions that I have not updated any of my kids posts for a long time. Gosh am I a bad forum contributor or what?

Lifes been busy, I have 3 special needs hedgehogs. I'll try to update their three threads...

Poptart. Sometimes I think I see a slight movement in her rear legs. They have changed since the initial paralysis. Instead of being completely floppy, they almost seem like they have some muscle tone. I was tickling her back foot last night and she turned around to push my hand away... so maybe there is some sensation coming back after all. Doc did say if she regained any feeling or movement in them that it would take a very long time. She has another week of meds before I need to call doc to see if he wants to extend them any longer or not.

Poptart is just amazing though. Over the years I have had many hedgehogs who just inspire me. When life deals you a huge blow, deal with it and don't let it get you down. Having her back legs completely paralyzed has not stopped this hedgehog. She cannot use her wheel anymore, but it doesn't stop her from moving, burrowing, and completely destroying her cage nightly. She was supposed to be on restricted movement/bed rest, but how do you stop a hedgehog who wants to burrow from burrowing?

Her personality is unchanged, she loves her tummy rubs. She eats well, and now goes potty on her own without the need of a wheel. At mealworm time she's as demanding as ever. Gets impatient and starts to make a run for the mealworm container to get her own or makes a run for her snuggle bag. She can move quite fast still.

Her life may have changed, but she certainly has not let it slow her down.
I'm glad Poptart is still her old self, even without the use of her back legs. You are doing such a good job with all your spikey babies, Julie. :))
A few people have asked me about Poptart and I have shared images of her with some. I was told a couple of times I should post them as they show just how wonderfully she has adjusted to life. I still think she is just an amazing girl and a real inspiration, just because you lose the use of your legs doesn't mean that life stops.

#1 - Image is a little out of focus because its hard to take an image of a hedgehog that has decided she was going to climb over my leg to get away from the clicky box. But I like the image because it shows how determined and capable she is. I didn't let her go all the way but I think she could if I let her.

#2 - eating a mealworm from my hand. Also gives you an idea of how she sits normally, she always manages to get her back legs in that position.

#3 - chasing a mealworm that was getting away (before I could return it to her). Her ears were laid back a bit, I think she was mad at the clicky box interrupting mealworm time.


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Julie, Cavalier has sat like that for years and is now experiencing minor hind leg paralysis and has been for about 6 weeks. Step step drag. Step step slip. Step sit sit sit sit. He is still very active with his routine. And will attempt the wheel, with his front legs, anyways. When we have cuddle time or out of cage time he just sits and/or lays around. But he's always been like that. Only time I catch him in his nightly routines is when I sneak in. He has switch over to soft foods since "slowing down."

Poptart is beautiful and I wish you both all the best.
My hog remington recently had this happen to him. i hope all your affected hogs are doing well :)
Poptart died about 3 months after her paralysis. The cause of her death was unrelated to her paralysis. The three months that she lived without the use of her back legs was simply amazing to me. I never once felt she was in any pain, and she was active despite her handicap.

In the beginning we had to "walk the hedgehog" on her wheel as she had only ever gone to the bathroom on it. Several times a day I would hold her rear end up with a little piece of fleece I cut to be a sling. She would go potty and was fine. Later she learned she could go to the bathroom without a wheel, and I didn't have to "walk" her anymore.
Kalandra, your care for your hedgies is always absolutely meticulous.
Aww, sweet Poptart! Glad to see there has been a little bit of improvement. Baby steps are still steps! I hope you'll keep us updated on all of your hedgies' progress. Sending much love to you guys.