Stupid dog training

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just stay consistant. nothing is going to work right away so whatever method you are currently doing may actually be working, its just too early to tell. good luck. our hardest dog to potty train was our dachund. one thing you can try is when ever he goes to the bathroom out side give him a treat. we usually just use dry dog food as a treat, and they dont seem to mind. they still act like its something rare and different. even sometimes, months after she was potty trained, she still sometimes goes and stands next to the shelf we keep the treats like she did when we were potty training her. is your yard fenced in? if so that can make things easier. installing a doggy door is really easy (at least it was for us because we have a sliding glass door.) it really helped because she could go out to her hearts content. even now as i am typing my other dog is outside sitting in the sun and will probly be in any second to bug me, because its almost time for them to eat. everytime you take her out of her cage, take him outside. stay out with him for at least 15 minutes. when he does go to the bathroom inside, grab him and make him look at his 'accident' and say really sternly NO. this helps too. dont shove his face in it just make sure he sees what he did and learns thats a nono
Ditto what chinnychinchilla,****oo,Arf and the others said.

He can be is just not being done properly. Your entire family has to be 100% committed or you can forget it. Google crate training. Done the RIGHT way, it can be a life saver. There are actual steps you need to follow. Just the fact that your father doesn't go out with him to make sure he goes speaks volume. If no one is out there praising him and telling him what a good boy he is, how in the world will he know where to go? Dogs do not speak english or are born knowing where we humans want them to go. He learns by our body language, our facial expressions, our tone of voice etc.

If he still poops in his crate following the crate training method, you can locking him in the kitchen or bathroom but you still have to be committed to bringing him outside and praising him FREQUENTLY.

It seems like you are the only one taking him seriously so why would HE take the family seriously?
I don't want to sound rude...but please don't say he's mistreating him. That makes him sound like he's abusing him and he is NOT. He loves his dogs, but he doesn't understand. And I already explained to you that I am trying to get them to listen to my advice.
how much does he weigh? (just trying to get an idea of his size). ive never heard of a dog pooping in his cage if its the right size unless he's been in there a while. the second you get home take him out, dont stop and pet and play with him. take him out. then give him a treat (preferably a peice of his food) and some good old praise.
He weighs about 12-13 lbs, he's not too big, the ongest he's been in a kennel that wasn't over night was like four hours and only because we were on a car trip, and he managed to poop twice, pee, and he gets terribly carsick, so he puked and least four times.

We always let him out right away, most of the time it's cause the otehrs are barking and if we put them outside they become quiet and calm down so he always gets let out.
I'm starting to think the best option for this dog is for it to go to a home that can devote the time to train him properly. If you're father is not willing to learn or listen to you, then he will never be able to train this dog.
he should be in the kennel at night, when your not home, and when you cant follow him around the house to make sure he doesnt go to the bathroom. when ever he is outside the kennel you will have to watch him the whole entire time. if you look away for only a few seconds he can easily go to the bathroom and this will set you farther behind. it is not cruel or mean to put him in his cage when no one can watch him. i dont know if you are still considering it but i suggest you do not use the potty pads. i have a feeling your parents will not appriecate the strong smell. heres a link to a decent dog crate:
the one for your dog would be the second one down. i think you will have to put a pillow in the back to make it smaller for him. (dont lay the pillow down like you would use it, put it to where the flat side is on the back of the cage, hope this makes sense) if your dog whines while in the cage then throw a blanket over the cage and dont give in.
I don't want to sound rude...but please don't say he's mistreating him. That makes him sound like he's abusing him and he is NOT. He loves his dogs, but he doesn't understand. And I already explained to you that I am trying to get them to listen to my advice.

If your father is "spanking the dog senseless" as you put it, then that dog is being mistreated. I'm sorry that it hurts to hear it said, but "he doesn't understand" isn't an excuse for striking an animal, no more than it is for striking a small child. Even if you follow all the above advice to the letter, your father's behavior will undermine what you may accomplish if it doesn't change; it's likely already part of the problem. And, in guarding breeds like Shi tsu and Lhasa Apso, the submissive behaviors he's already showing can turn into fear aggression very quickly. It might be in everyone's best interests if this puppy gos to another home, as sad as I'm sure you would all be in that event.

I wish you luck, for both your sake and the dog's.
I guess that was a bit of an exaggeration....he spanks it a couple more times than necessary. But I don't think your listening. I told you, we got him from the humane society, he's had enough of a bad life as he was most likely a puppy mill dog, and I don't plan on giving up on my baby.
Unless you can be home more or home for 24/7 for about a month or two, you will not be able to train this dog.

People have given you more than enough options and advice and all I've seen is that you keep saying "well, I'm doing's my dad". ALL members of the household need to be on board for training a dog. You can't have each member of the household trying different methods of discipline and end up just confusing the dog which I'd think is obvious.

I've trained several small breed dogs and a few puppy mill dogs. A few were harder to house train, but consistent training with clear definition of boundaries had them all catching on within a few weeks. Not every dog can be trained the same, for some I had to tweak my training methods to better suit their needs.

If you cannot provide consistency in his training then he will never be trained and the best option would be to let him go to a home that can actually devote that time to him.
Okay, I have tried to explain that, we are trying! We are trying to make that possible! We're working on that! But I think I have the information I need now.
ok just so you know it will take a few weeks, if not longer. dont give up on one method too quickly. stay persistant. and PLEASE have your whole family on board!