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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2011

Esper being a diva. Leopard print suits my girls so much...they are such princesses.

I better make a TrioofFluff thread because I really am the chinchilla paparazzi :D
She's a funny one. The only way I can get her out of the cage without chasing her around (which I don't like to do) is by opening the top of it...then she hops up to the top, climbs onto the hammock and from there climbs onto my shoulder. LOL...fickle little critters.
fickle is right, lol. Gery, the chin i was babysitting last week, would only come out of the top door of her cage if my hands were there for her to step on. i know she had no issue going in and out because she'd leap back in no problem, but coming out she had to have the 'hand carpet' treatment, lol!
Arwen (Esper's twin sister) loves the "hand carpet" treatment...LOL...that's a great term for it. She often does the "fake out" too where she puts her front paws on my hands and acts like she's about to hop on, and then she goes back to her ledge :p