Stinky Chins

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Wee ones with big stink, lol.

Do they both smell or just one? Since we're going into detail about the stinky ones, what exactly do they smell like? Is the smell on the fur or mouth or inside their ears? Just trying to figure out if there might be an infection going on that has been missed. We had this guest stay at the hotel with her little pug and he was stinky and she told me he had ear issues.
It is her fur all over. I don't want to water bath her. Just want to know if extra baking soda will hurt. But I guess it won't hurt to add an extra teaspoon to the dust. I change the dust after every second bath.

Thanks for all the advice ladies! Keep it comin :)
i know it seems obvious, but is anybody peeing in their bath house? one of mine peed in his house during bath time & then proceeded to roll in the pee filled dust -- ick!! his fur smelled to high heaven. i had to scrub the beejesus out of the house (wet dust doesn't come off easily), then refill it (after it dried) & get him to bathe again a few more times before his fur stopped smelling. thankfully it seems to be a one-time thing. if your bath houses haven't been scrubbed lately, you may want to give it a try.

They are dust pee'ers but they dust in a large shallow bowl and when they pee in it I dump it and wash it but good suggestion :).
someone once suggested corn starch in the bath for pee stains. Maybe that would help?
When CJ was drooling earlier this year, he stunk really really bad. I also used an unscented baby wipe to get the yellow (from his drool & cc) and smell off his fur. I had him on my lap in the bathroom and held him close while I wiped him clean, then dried him off with a soft washcloth and then let him dust for a few minutes. The yellow and smell was completely off him after a week of doing this routine.
I hope it works or at least helps Tara. CJ didn't seem to be stressed by it at all. The bathroom is pretty quiet and not drafty as it helped while he was a bit wet from the wiping.
I don't see that more baking soda would hurt as it's all natural. Maybe a full baking soda bath followed by a dust bath? Not sure, never had the experience.