Still losing weight

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I mix the lifeline, put it in the syringe, then dip the tip into the dyne. That way dyne gets in first and I can get more lifeline in that way. On a 700gm chin I feed 45ml of lifeline a day, 3 15ml feedings keeps the weight on in my experience.
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Update: my husband got home, took a spoonful of the CC/Dyne/pineapple mix, and just held it up to DJ, and he started to eat it freely. I think he does this on purpose.

After a few heaping spoonfuls though, he started to breathe heavy again and lost interest, so we stopped for the moment--we'll try again later. His breathing before the feeding was not quite normal, but a lot better than what it has been...hopefully after another few days on the medications he'll be better.
When I am at the end of the rope and there is no way I can get food between the lips, I feed what they will eat. If that is what he wants, feed him it. I would add some LL to the mix for the additional probiotics due to the extra sugar he is getting.
We'll add a bit for our next attempt later, after he's rested a bit. He went after the food enthusiastically, but his breathing got so labored it's worrisome. We'll get him as much as he'll take, when he'll take it...all we can do while we wait to see if the meds help.

Thanks for the's been very, very frustrating and heartbreaking to see him struggle like this for so long.
You could try leaving a little bowl of the mix in his cage for him - I am not familiar with some of the products you are feeding him so I am not entirely sure how long they can be kept before they "go off"? Dawn, can the mix be left in a cage for a few hours?

I had a chin with a heart murmur & heart failure & in the initial days he would be a bit breathless when eating. I used to leave him a small bowl of food so he could nibble at it when he wanted in between scheduled feeds.
I have left it in the cage for a few hours, both LL and CC. The CC dries out pretty quick and the LL gets a film on it like pudding does.