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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2019
Are multiple types of sticks necessary for chins? The four different stick types (the ones my boys prefer) that would last them a decent amount of time can get pricey. They both love apple sticks and they're cheaper. ($7 for 10 ounces, meanwhile the multiple sticks are $18, 3 or so ounces for each stick type) If I give them two apple sticks daily (one for each of them), would that be okay? Or is multiple types a must?
I'm not sure having multiple kinds is a must, having things to chew is a must, but different kinds of wood is just nice. I know my guys seem to enjoy getting different kinds of wood stick to chew. You may want to shop around a bit for wood chew though, although $7 for 10 oz is cheap $18 for 3oz is expensive. I give my guys about half a dozen sticks between the two of them everyday. I guess only one a day might be ok so long as they have plenty of other chew toys to chew on in the cage.

Chew toys should also be changed out regularly to keep things interesting. You don't have to throw the toys away if they are still good, but have a rotation like you would a dog, so once a month or so put some new toys in and take the old ones out, once another month rolls around you can put the old toys back in and they are "new" again. Sometimes even taking a toy out and flipping it or taking it apart and putting it back together differently can make it new again too.
I'm not sure having multiple kinds is a must, having things to chew is a must, but different kinds of wood is just nice. I know my guys seem to enjoy getting different kinds of wood stick to chew. You may want to shop around a bit for wood chew though, although $7 for 10 oz is cheap $18 for 3oz is expensive. I give my guys about half a dozen sticks between the two of them everyday. I guess only one a day might be ok so long as they have plenty of other chew toys to chew on in the cage.

Chew toys should also be changed out regularly to keep things interesting. You don't have to throw the toys away if they are still good, but have a rotation like you would a dog, so once a month or so put some new toys in and take the old ones out, once another month rolls around you can put the old toys back in and they are "new" again. Sometimes even taking a toy out and flipping it or taking it apart and putting it back together differently can make it new again too.
Do you have any recommendations for stick/wood stores online? Also, how many toys is a good amount at one time? I prefer hanging toys over anything else as I like the look of them and my boys seem to enjoy them as well. Currently I have two, soon to be three. (Another one is shipping to me as we speak.) They also get their sticks and two chunks of pumice stone.
Are multiple types of sticks necessary for chins? The four different stick types (the ones my boys prefer) that would last them a decent amount of time can get pricey. They both love apple sticks and they're cheaper. ($7 for 10 ounces, meanwhile the multiple sticks are $18, 3 or so ounces for each stick type) If I give them two apple sticks daily (one for each of them), would that be okay? Or is multiple types a must?
Check out Rondas Chins online store for more variety. Her dried carnations are my guys favorite treat. Huge selection on dried herbs. Excellent quality
Do you have any recommendations for stick/wood stores online? Also, how many toys is a good amount at one time? I prefer hanging toys over anything else as I like the look of them and my boys seem to enjoy them as well. Currently I have two, soon to be three. (Another one is shipping to me as we speak.) They also get their sticks and two chunks of pumice stone.

I can't really help on personal experience where to get wood, I'm in Canada so that doesn't help you, I did get some at Rondas Chins online and they were great. Other places that I've seen mentioned is nola chinchilla rescue not much selection (just apple and pear) but seems reasonably priced and supports a chinchilla rescue. Also whimsys menagerie more selection but about the same prices as Rondas Chins. You could also try looking on etsy, I know some people sell chew sticks there too.
For toys I would say at least a couple toys per chin. I bought metal treat/toy skewers (like these and these) for making my own hanging toys. It's much cheaper to buy toy parts then buy premade store bought toys. I like to add a variety of toys, hanging, shredding (like palm leaf shredder and bamboo shredders), and toss toys (like vine balls and shapes, and wood chunks), as well as a variety of materials (wood, palm leaf, loofah, lava and pumice chews) to keep things interesting.
It really depends on the chin. My girl is very picky. She has a strong preference for apple and the stick has to pass her careful evaluation otherwise she won't chew it, so I tend to buy mostly apple. My boy likes most kinds and will happily hop over to inspect and chew whatever I give him.

I get my supplies from:

I've had nothing but good experiences shopping from Whimsy. The toys she sells in her store are humongous. It's such a good value for the price, and my chins are always thrilled when they get a new toy.

Regarding new toys, I usually check which toys they're still chewing and which toys they seem to have lost interest in. I'll move them around the cage and play area, since sometimes just moving the toy to a different place can generate renewed interest. I will introduce a new toy every now and then depending on how much they're playing with what they already have.