Spooky --> Waldo

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
Hey all! I just brought home Tab's Spooky, who was living with Cara in the South Bay! I think I am going to rename him Waldo after a chinchilla I read about on here who I think about all the time and wish I could have saved : (
Besides, he is not spooky at all hehe, he's a major sweetheart.
I am letting him have some down-time in the bathroom with some hay and food and such and didn't want to freak him out with a bunch of pictures. But here is one I took with my phone on the way home! He is lovely and his fur is coming back! He can no longer fairly be Waldo the Baldo :heart5: Oh well.
Thank you again, Tab! and Cara!

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Yay!!! I'm so happy! He looks awesome with fur growing back in on his head, lol! Waldo the Baldo, ROFL...I love it! :hearts:

More pictures!!! :D

For those that don't know, Waldo was attacked by his cagemate and suffered severe injuries to his back and head. Pictures and details can be found in this thread http://chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14833 He's a big lover and he's come a long way! I'm so happy he gets to just be a spoiled, chubby boy!
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Yay! Waldo is a great name. I loves his white fluffy butt. He looks great.