split level chins in FN 142?

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Apr 15, 2009
How alright (or not alright) is it to put two chins that don't get along in a FN 142? Obviously with the levels separated.

I'm a relatively new chin owner, and have two chins (currently in separate cages) that I hope to successfully intro. I've also been wanting to upgrade to a FN 142 (in a perfect world, my girls are bonded buddies and share the entire cage).

If the intro doesn't go well, would it be alright to divide the levels and have one on each? Do chins react poorly in that sort of situation, when they're near another chin that's not a friend?

I just want to make sure my girls are happy, and that I know what I should and shouldn't be doing before committing to getting the FN. Thanks for advice! :D
That would be fine. Many people have chins separated in the upper and lower portions and they do really well.
I have done that for a while, and my advice would be to get another one of the pans that completely covers the floor (without the cutout for a ramp) so whoever is on top doesn't get her little toes caught (and so she can't pee on her lower level neighbor!).

Each section of the cage is plenty big for an individual chin, just make sure you have plenty of ledges and such!!
Currently, I have 4 chins, all boys. 2 are on the top seperated from the 2 kits on the bottom. All of them are pretty happy now that each section of the FN 142 are to their liking. :D
i have 4 chins in a 3 level FN. hopefully you will be able to get them together but if not at least you have options!